Thursday, April 11, 2019

4/11/19 Mama's, Don't Let Your Boys Grow Up To Be Shit People?

    I shouldn't be surprised, assholes tend to go from cradle to grave thinking only of themselves, but still, fuck them!  Javalina  had one of those days where he had to go poop at school.  He says it rarely happens, he gets up early, like 6:00am, does his business in the bathroom and stays on schedule, but I guess having a large bowl of cereal maybe made his stomach gurgle, so he had to adlib a pooper.  He said he found what seemed like the perfect bathroom, it even had a lock on the door, but of course, the door lock was broken.  He said his next line of defense was that there was a stall with a door, so it would have to do, but when he stepped in there, the toilet seat was all covered in shit and piss.  My poor boy had to abort his evacuation procedure and carry that stuffed feeling all day.  Why do people do this?  I have seen many bathrooms in this condition, do people not know what to do when they are in there?  Do some families just never discuss shit basics and just smear themselves on the toilet and go?  Are their toilets at home in this same condition?
    I am asking because I work in a facility with locked doors and you need security badges to walk around so it's not strangers randomly walking in, yet almost every night, if I want to sit to fart and possibly poop, I have to wipe the seat with wet paper because adult Shit People do the same thing at work.  They pee all over the seat.  One of these mofos has the diabetes in an advanced stage because it looks more like dry sweet tea and even ants gather to enjoy the nectar from this man's loins.  How hard is it to raise the seat?  Do you think you are born of royalty and you can just do your business and someone is supposed to come clean up after you?  Does your fucking mother (who didn't teach you well enough) work here and she is supposed to follow you around and clean for you.
    I can only think these are the same type of animals that get shown by happenstance on COPS when the police officers crash a house and the people are living with mattresses on the floors and newspaper and trash all over the place.  My biggest wonder in all this is if they are only cleaning themselves as good as the toilet seat will get them, how come more people don't smell like shit?  Does denim do that good a job that it filters that smell of doo-doo and it just doesn't make it up to our noses?

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