Thursday, April 4, 2019

4/5/19 Second Meet, Bailey Battles Bedichek?

    This was the second week of Track and Field and this week the Bedichek Bobcats traveled to Bailey Middle School.  The worst part about traveling is seeing how much nicer some of these campuses are.  I mean, it is a given that Bedichek is a lot older, but there are basically no trees around it and all the way around is either houses or business.  Bailey, like Gorzicky is west of us and the campus is set in a beautiful location.  It just seems to be placed in a forest as all you can see around is a little hill country and trees.  There is an indication of houses, especially up front of the school, but from behind it feels like you are in a lost piece of woods, I really liked the location.  That being said, the actual school was not much better than Bedichek.  Shoot, the shotput and discus pits did not even have cement pads.  They were throwing on grass, like animals, or maybe softball players.  The track itself was modern and even had the rubberized flakes, but there was no astro turf in the middle for the football field.  Other than that, I guess everything else was alright.
    I do not understand how it works in Javalina's head, but first he texted me that they were in a bus right behind me.  I was driving so I couldn't respond.  I park in the first place I see open, get my little cooler full of drinks and start walking looking for crowds of kids in matching jerseys.  It took some walking, but I eventually started seeing them, meanwhile, I noticed the bus that must have been carrying my boy and his schoolmates leaving the parking lot which made me think I wasn't late even if I was stuck in traffic for awhile.  I noticed the track and then I looked for the pack of husky kids acting different and that is usually the shotputters/discus throwers and I walked around the track to get closer.  I wasn't sure whether to get close enough to interact with my boy or stay over here where the conservative parents were at about 50 yards away in a shady spot by a storage shed.  Then I see Javalina throw with his hoodie on.  It pissed me off and I screamed reflexively.  He knew what I meant as he took it off before I got close.  Within five minutes, he had thrown all his shotput throws and discus throws.  I asked him "why are you always in a rush?", quietly.  He said he had to go register for the running events.
    His shotput was on par with last week, maybe 4 or 5 inches better at 25 feet and change.  His discus was horrid.  I mean there were girls throwing farther than him.  He needs to incorporate the spin move and not just throw from a standing position.  He went over and signed up for the running.  I am not sure how I felt about this.  The 100 meter and 200 meter dash are for the rock stars, the super fast and here comes my boy, essentially a lineman trying to keep up with them.  To add insult to injury, he hadn't even used the blocks to start from, so he just pushed them back and started from a standing position which made him look goofier.  He only practiced yesterday with the runners and he said his time in the 100 meter was 15.78 seconds.  He was penalized a second for crossing into another runner's lane, so maybe his real time would have been 14.78?  I am not sure.  I am just thinking this will help next year on the football field, so fudge it if the other kids are talking shit about the "fat kid" running.  This might help him next year as he runs down one of these little shit talkers, looks in his eyes as he gets tackled like a piece of meat and remembers just as he passes out "That was the fat kid from track last year."

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