Saturday, April 6, 2019

4/6/19 I Love Cops Doing Their Job?

    I love watching the live cam video of cops shooting the life out of "bad guys."  How many times do you have to be told "Put your hands up!!!" before you decide to do it at gun point, no less?  It is embarrassingly hard to try to defend the actions of the criminal as we hear that the defendant's family is suing for excessive force or whatever, but really, aren't you embarrassed if it takes half the police force to bring down your idiot family member every time he acts up because he has "mental problems?"
    Carolla used to say on Loveline and then his podcast "90 percent of the problems come from like 5% of the population."  I have no problem when officers fill them full of holes.  Were they ever going to cut the shit and become productive members of society?  I doubt it.  It is always the same story.  A routine stop, there is a visible gun in the car, the police officer says hands up, do not move towards the gun, ten seconds later the idiot is attempting to shoot at the cops and he is shot at from multiple directions.  The civilians that defend these idiots, what do you want from the police officers, to keep talking until the cretin shoots first?  Maybe a dead police officer before the cops have a justifiable reason to shoot the hooligan?
    Believe me, I get stopped, I roll my windows down, have my license and insurance ready and talk nicely to the man with the gun.  Some of these people actually say hi with a "what you want, mother fucker?"  How many interactions that start that way end with the person in power, the cop, saying "um, you're right, I am a mother fucker, I will now leave you alone, Sir?  Never, for you dummies mouthing the words along.  How about when the clown says "Can you hurry this shit up, I am in a hurry and I am having a bad day!"  Maybe half the time the police officer gets to hurrying and apologizes and lets you get on your way?  No, you just gave him reasonable reason for him to think you are up to no good.  You will probably end up in a shootout in another 3 minutes, if we go by these videos.
    The only shame/sad thing to most of these confrontations is that the people getting shot are under the influence of drugs.  If these people never got involved with drugs, I would say 90% of these interactions wouldn't happen.  It is a shame, but once someone is addicted to drugs, whatever happens is still on them.  The family can say "he was normally a sweetheart, it is only when he drank or he got high that he acted up."  Sorry, but you are responsible for your actions 100% of the time.  If you are a fucking light weight and insist on fighting every time you drink, then maybe don't drink.  If you insist on drinking, then at least do us a favor and buy a dash camera, I want to see the cops treat you like the piece of shit you become when you think you are bullet proof and 10 feet tall.

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