Friday, April 12, 2019

4/13/19 The IRS Giveth, But Mostly, The IRS Taketh Away?

    I always dread this time of year, tax season.  We have rarely sat in a good position and I wonder why we have to do this charade of responsible citizenship?  Surely, there is a better way, we should all just pay a percentage of what we make and leave it at that.  I hate going back and looking for paperwork like we are all part time accountants and we keep every damn receipt we are ever involved with.  Take a bite from money we earn, that is fair, after that, fuck off.  Why should you come back and reward/punish us for what we do with our money?  If I want to be irresponsible and blow al my money on raising a family, I shouldn't fall behind the rich guy who uses his earned income to buy other property which then gives him better things to protect him from paying so much of his money in the future.  I maintain that I am a better American if I go and spend all or most of my money on material possessions as that tends to drive the economy.  Responsible, boring a-holes who put their money in savings are actually slowing the economy down as their money never "plays" in the game.
    We have now been going to H&R Block for about 5-6 years, ever since we were audited and we had to pay something like 10,000 bucks.  They have an assurance that if we get audited, they will handle it and 2 years ago there was a discrepancy.  We called H&R Block and they handled it almost too well.  It was just a form they printed and we faxed to them and that was it.
    This year, the end of the period showed up fast.  Luckily, Wife loves paperwork, she tracked down most of what we needed, and then took it to the local office so they could work on it before we got there.  Our appointment was for 8:00pm last night and we got there more or less, on time.  Wife was driving in from La Pryor, and made it just in time.  It was actually nice, everything was done, we just signed here and there and mumbled and grumbled at the ridiculous amounts we owe.  What can we do, though?  It's not like we can argue against the fed gov't.  They are pretty much daddy to the extreme.
    The guy showed us the numbers he had come out with and it was crazy, like over $5000.  Luckily for us, when he was wrapping it up, maybe it was the computer, but something made him realize he had not included $2000 for child Tax credit and that brought our payment down to like $3126.  Thank goodness for credit cards, otherwise, what would we do?  hopefully, we see some changes at the end of this year.  We will be done paying on a big burden which I don't want to discuss too much, but it will leave us with more free money for BS like this that always pops up.

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