Thursday, April 4, 2019

4//4/19 What To Do With Boy?

    Lately, I have been confused by Boy and his actions.  I am not sure if it is because he is getting older or because of the people he is hanging with, but he does need to realize that living at home for free is a luxury we grant.  Not everyone does this, and if he is going to continue acting like he is the man of the house, I might give him some bills to reflect upon.  Not only do we give him free room and board, but we also currently pay for his SUV and it is a nice one.  Shoot, it was less than a year ago that I put new tires on it out of my pocket and then when it turned out it had a bad alignment, guess who paid to fix the alignment and for two new tires?
    Mostly, I let him do as he pleases, but there are some things I am not comfortable with.  Leaving his brother alone is one that I do not accept, such as him deciding to go sleep at his girlfriend's house during the week.  It is one thing if I am there, but to leave the younger one alone to fend for himself throughout the night so he can go play grab-ass is bullshit.  Tonight I came home around 1:45am for lunch, now my lunch varies from 10:00pm to 3:00am, whenever I decide it is a good stopping point, but anyways.  I got home and his car was not in the driveway.  My first thought was that maybe it got stolen, if he was going to his GF, I would expect a text and where else would he be at that hour?  After I checked if he was in his bed I texted him and of course, like on the weekend, he doesn't respond to the first one.  Am I going to curl into a little bitch ball or am I going to get more angry and aggressive?  I sent a second text with "HEY?!" and nothing.  I called him and he picks up on the 2nd ring, so he had the phone in his hand as we all always do, he just chose not to respond (and then he gets mad when I send multiple texts, Stupid).  He was at Wal-mart just walking around looking for something.  I just said "get your ass home."  He showed up like 5 minutes later, so I believed him, the GF house is like 30 minutes away plus he has to stand there kissing and cooing like a bird for another 20 minutes.
    He got home with some attitude and he got to washing dishes which he brought down from his room and filled the sink earlier.  I had yelled at him to do this at 6:00pm.  I haven't done anything different in the last three years, it is his actions that prompt my responses.  What good can come from going to Wal-mart at 2:00am?  I stopped going because there are just too many sketchy people out there, what is his 150 pound ass going to do if he is confronted by a bum or some fucking losers out joyriding at that hour?
    If anything, I worry he has lost focus on the importance of school.  He is still going and maybe it is just on Monday and Wednesday, but he is supposed to work on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  This is where I think maybe if I give him the responsibility of paying for his own SUV will make him be more accountable to work, I mean I would then have an extra $500 to spend freely at Wal-mart at all hours of the night.  Why shouldn't it be that way?  I brought it up to him, and he actually had the balls to say "so you can buy a boat?  Nahh."  What fucking business is it of his what I do with my money, even Wife wants a new boat, after we make some upgrades to the house?  There is no law written that I have to buy him a vehicle, I got him that vehicle for school, not for fucking around.
    He says he is graduating in December and I am trying my hardest to wait until then to give him the car note, but man... is he testing me right now.

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