Sunday, May 27, 2018

5/27/18 Society Is Breaking Into Two Classes?

    I don't know if the government did it intentionally or if it happened as a by product of a bad idea, but the welfare class is gaining steam and starting to make it seem like we are a world of have and have nots.  Wife was telling me of a couple she knows of in which the male works, has a decent job, the woman does not, has four kids, one of which belongs to the man.  One way or another, the man found out he was possibly paying too much in alimony, so they went before a judge and the judge determined he was overpaying by some thing like $240 a month.  This had started seven months earlier, so the judge also threw in that the gal now owed the male $240 times seven.  This, of course pissed off the woman who whined that this was money she used to feed her four babies.  The judge clarified that this was money for only the one particular child, the father of the other children is responsible for those other kids.  Instead of something like $750, there would only be $500 a month.
    I guess my point is that I hate the side of the population that doesn't work.  I have been working twelve hour shifts going on 22 years, mostly at night.  I get a week off a couple times a year and that is how it is going to be until I quit, retire, or die at work.  Yet this 21% of the population gets to hang out, they get section 8 housing where they might pay a measly $50 a month for a 2 bedroom apartment.  Plus the money from the dummy that impregnated the leach.  These have to be the people I see going swimming in the middle of the week, hanging out in coffee shops with all the time in the world.  I can't even figure how to have lunch with a friend in the middle of the week because I have to stay on my fixed routine or risk not sleeping enough.
    Another friend I know is starting the divorce process and again, he does nothing but work, she makes sure gravity doesn't lift her bed off the ground.  She thinks she is worth $8000 a month and the house, which is paid off.  I say he has a tapeworm in his brain if he agrees to her demands.  No unemployed biotch is worth even $1-2k a month.  The older one is in the middle of high school and the younger one is almost in junior high.
    There is a portion of society which functions as it is supposed to.  The adults work full time jobs, the older kids work part time jobs, and they do the best that they can.  But there is a moocher part of society which doesn't work and seems to stick their tongues out at us as if we are the stupid ones slaving away.  Sometimes I do feel like the subservient class to these ne'er do wells.  They have found a way to exist without breaking a sweat and I don't think that is the American way.
    And yet, the tearing down of America continues.  My main street from my neighborhood has become a series of one low income housing complex to another.  I don't see how we are still the majority.

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