Friday, May 18, 2018

5/19/18 Why Do We Care About Royalty From Other Countries?

    It may not seem like there is a lot of news, but really, there is.  How people can stuff their brains about this marriage coming up between some out of date royalty BS is beyond me.  I hate the way we are fed the news nowadays with the little boxes when you open the computer.  To that, of course, we get a new update on the wedding, like people in the US give two shits.
    I just wonder, why do the people of England still support this "royal family"?  As I understand it, they pay a tax to support the royals.  Meaning, you could be sitting struggling to get by, and you have to come up with a way to pay your share so these jack-offs can live like millionaires in a world apart right down the street.  I just looked it up and found that the average person pays the equivalent of about a postage stamp, 56pence.  Worse than that, it appears that they did a survey and almost 60-70 percent of the people feel like they get their money's worth.
    As I thought about it and discussed it with Wife (I wrote the 1st two paragraphs in the morning, it is now nighttime.), this all ties together, the last few blogs.  In the This Is America video, Gambino references how we get distracted with crap from the important stuff go
ing on.  We had a school shooting just today, another one, here in Texas, near Houston, but let's find out if Meghan Merckle's dad is going to the wedding.  That is more important than the ten people that died today?  Again, like in the video, we are very careful about blaming the deaths on the accessibility of the guns, but rather, let's make that a footnote.  If only the dad had kept the guns locked up.  Are we going to put any blame on the father for buying the guns and leaving them where an idiot could access them?  Probably not.
    Please though, what color dress is she wearing for the wedding?  Surely not white, she has a first marriage, so let's not be cute and wear white.  Oh, but the best friend's kids are all going to be pageboys, that is just so precious... This boy (today's shooter) had affections for the Nazi regime, again, nothing, they have the same rights as any other group?  When can we start saying no.  We kicked your ass in a World War, all that paraphernalia must die out or not exist on American soil.  Same as the stupid south bullshit, y'all lost partner, give it up.
    But great news, the American princess does have royal roots, so yeaih!  That is a difference maker right there.  Plus now we know that Prince Charles is ready and able to walk a non royal down the aisle, what great luck.  Meanwhile, another angry idiot plots for his turn to open fire on another campus.  It won't be the fault of the gun, remember, this time it wasn't an AR-15 type, it was a boring revolver and boring shotgun, but as Gambino said "This Is America."

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