Friday, May 11, 2018

5/12/18 Beep Beep Goes The Dying Battery?

    It is bad enough I don't sleep well, but yesterday we started getting a double beep about every two minutes from Wife's closet, which is where we have the spider web that is our central nervous system to everything in the house.  The alarm, the outside cameras, the internet, cable, and Wifi are all clustered in the same nest, it is a freaking mess.  To add to it, I was unsure what the beeps meant, although the battery came to mind, but I hate that nothing tells you expressly, yes, it is the battery that needs replacing.  I decided to ignore it yesterday when I got up because I was going to work and I just focus on that during the week.
    Today was my first day off for the weekend, in the morning.  Instead of going to sleep, I decided to cut the grass since the yard needed it and the weather was so nice, with clouds and about 69 degrees, I'd say about perfect.  by the time I finished, the clouds were breaking and you could feel it was going to be another hot day.  I only did the front, that's what the HOA can see and I don't want any letters telling me to cut my lawn.  It took as long as the Rush Moving Pictures Album takes to play from opening the garage to closing it, that album is just perfect, a gift from the gods, if there ever was one.
    While showering, I finally slowed down enough to notice that the shower stall was pretty nasty with the mold and funk growing on the wall.  I told myself "just do the bottom, clean the walls when you wake up in the afternoon."  Before I knew it, I was cleaning the walls, and it felt like I was in there an hour, it looked a lot better afterward.  Since that was clean, I decided to scrub the toilets and round up the trash and dirty clothes.
    All the while, in the shower, I could hear the incessant beep beep every 1-2 minutes.  I told myself, enough, go to bed, deal with the alarm crap when you get up.  I laid down about 11:00am, slept until 2:30pm and I got up to pee, but the beep beep stopped me and I decided I would at least get the battery, which involved running down to get screwdrivers.  The mess of purses and other shit I had to move to find the batteries got my blood going, no more sleep.  I found the battery (1 of them) and ran to the Batteries Plus store.  While installing it, the beep beep kept going and it took looking up where the bulk of the purses were at to see a second place where I had a battery to replace.  This solved it, but it was now time to go pick up Javalina.  I did then we went right back to the battery store, got my second battery and finally solved my beeping problem.
    From this point, I just slept and waited for Wife to get home.  She did, but she let me sleep until 8:00pm, so I feel pretty good right now at 10:00pm.

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