Thursday, May 24, 2018

5/24/18 Less Than A Week For School To End?

    This is the reason Wife and I decided she should take the job in La Pryor.  Even though she is far away during the week, a school year passes by so quickly.  We are about four days away from Javalina having his freedom for a few months.  Boy finished a couple weeks ago and is now fully immersed in his summer internship.  He may be treading water right now, but in a few months, I believe he will be better for it.  He is learning so many new things, sitting in on meetings with people across the world, interacting and contributing.  Wife doesn't get her summers off like she used to, but they do go to a 10hr/day four day week, so she is up here a little more, plus she does get two weeks off and this year they are scheduled for her.  I am not sure she took all her days off last summer, as she kept wanting to save a day here and there and before she knew it, summer was over.
    The biggest plan we have over the summer is going to be to go on a road trip to Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Wife has two uncles up there and her dad wants to go visit one who is sick and is having a hard time traveling down.  I was tempted to stay as it doesn't sound like a fun trip to me, and add the fact that my sister in law is taking two freaking dogs in the van and I'm sure it is going to be awesomely comfortable in there with their smells and barking.  Wife has convinced me to go and then I thought what am I going to do by myself, it would mean I probably didn't take a week off this summer and screw that, I really want a break right about now.
    Javalina is talking about getting ready for football.  He is gun-ho on wanting to start lifting weights.  He actually has, he brought down my curl bar which has like 50 pounds on it and he is using it to do some sort of bench press, but on the floor.  I figured it's not hurting him even if he is not getting the full extension, he is practicing holding weight above him and bringing it down in a controlled fashion.  They had a football meeting yesterday after school and he said he got all pumped up and started goading the other big boys to come at him, ram style (I imagine).  He is such a little shit, he told me a girl wanted to come at him and try to tackle him, he says condescendingly, "she wasn't bad for a girl, but I just stood there and let her do her thing.  I could've lifted her off the ground and really taken her down, but her friend told me to be nice."  I tell you, this boy loves playing grab-ass.

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