Monday, January 29, 2018

1/29/18 Almost Got Suckered By Pups?

    Wife is here for a conference this week, so instead of the boys surviving on paninis and cold cuts, we went to HEB to get some stuff for real food.  We got some quick stuff to grill some burgers and hot dogs for tonight and then spaghetti tomorrow.  On the way out, I was impressed we kept it under $100, walking in a quick manner because we had eaten lunch and poop was coming.
    We had to slow down when we passed an older minivan with 5 fat puppies in the back.  Some Mexican lady was selling black Labrador puppies and they were pretty cute.  All of them were identical and fat little bodies.  If we still did impulsive buys and we had the $250 on us we probably would have brought one home with us.  Javalina was even offering his Christmas money to make it happen.  I thought about going back, but the thought of another permanent member who poops in my house and I might have to clean it up does not excite me.
    Our discussion then turned to asking my son who last year really wanted a beagle or would have taken a dachshund if he was going to be responsible for cleaning and feeding the pup before we decided it was a bad idea.  I don't want to be  responsible for another critter, and I know with Wife living three hours away,  I would be the chief shit picker upper.  I do like the idea of a pup, they are cute and entertaining watching them grow up, but Labradors grow up to be big dogs and then it seems our life would be centered around taking care of it.
    I grew up with dogs in our home at all times, but it was something my mom was into.  I don't think she minded keeping up with them.  We had a couple dogs the size this Labradors will probably get to but we kept them outside, they never came in.  It wasn't until I was out of the house that my mom started experimenting with inside dogs.  The last twenty years she has had only dogs she keeps inside and they may be cute, but that means they come visit when they come visit.  She used to have a horrible Chihuahua that did nothing but bark and attack.  We couldn't hug my mom without the stupid dog spazzing out.  My mom and sister may have loved it, but the rest of us weren't too upset when it passed away.
   Wife also had a bunch of dogs growing up.  They had a 3 legged german shepherd they named Nuni when we met, and Nuni means Junior, so my parents and most of my family called me Nuni.  The first time I went over, and they called the dog I was like how do they know my house name already?  They also had a horrible dog that always came after me that my father in law picked up at a random store in San Antonio.  It was already grown and the owners couldn't keep up with it, so they gave it to him, which sucked for about 7-10 years.  I would have to announce myself, they would hide the dog in a bedroom and it would whimper and whine trying to get out to harass me.  Eventually, they put it outside, but I never liked it.
    Those are my experiences with dogs, they are cool to have, if you don't have to constantly clean up after them.  If you are the cleaner, then it will always be your responsibility to run around looking for landmines not getting stepped on.  If we end up getting a dog, it will probably be a smaller type, the Labrador is a good family dog, but it is also a big dog, I mean the pups were already about as big as my mom's Winnie dog now that it is full size.

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