Saturday, January 13, 2018

1/13/18 Too Easy?

    Today's kids have it way too easy compared to us growing up.  I know it's cliché and our parents said the same thing about us, but I just mean in relativistic shallow terms.  We were driving around looking to try a new Panera Bread, I had not tried it out before and it was good but not the kind of place where you are going to fill up.  Anyways, Wife and I have both been obsessing over the "oldies" Boneyard station playing nothing but Ozzy Ozbourne, Metallica, and other heavy metal giants of the day.  It struck me as funny, the DJ between the music acts like they are still in the era the music was from, so he states that he is going to run home and get on the TV and try to catch his favorite videos.
    I remember spending summers like this.  When MTV was new, I would waste hours watching it, hoping a song I liked would play.  I remember really enjoying the ZZ Top songs with the Eliminator car and the goofy guy always winning with the help from the guys but as the nerdy girl was transformed into a hot chick you can almost see more than the law would allow as she sits with her legs up in the dressing room.  See?  I just saw the video, I just had to sit through an extra 30 seconds of some commercial before the video played, but all it took was opening a new window and typing ZZ TOP Legs and You Tube knows what I want.
    Nowadays, anything someone wants to view is at your fingertips.  Shit, with our magical cell phones as long as their is Wi-Fi, anywhere is a good place to catch up on videos.  For awhile, I was convinced nobody was making videos, but they just moved to better locations.  Why let a TV station determine your air play when You Tube lets the people decide how many times they want to see you and then You Tube pays you directly.  I have seen numbers like $2000 per 1 million views.  Some videos, like Taylor Swift's have over a billion views, like her or hate her, that is a lot of money, if she is collecting at that rate.
    I guess we all benefit from a faster internet, but it seems the kids are the ones always on it.  I was almost taken aback by Javalina while we were setting up to eat Pizza for dinner.  He said he was watching on You Tube an explanation of Dante's Divine Comedy, Inferno.  I looked at it just now and in cheap cartoon format, somebody has taken a classic story and made it funny and relatable.  That Javalina would sit and listen to it tells you where his head is.  He asked for a copy of the book so he could read it and that just makes me pretty happy.  Maybe Wife has a reason to worry about society at large becoming dumber because all they do is stare at their phones, but at least this time Javalina surprised us with his choice of reading material after "wasting" time on his phone.

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