Tuesday, January 16, 2018

1/17/18 Snow Day?

    Over the last few years, it seems that if it is cold and there is some precipitation forecast, there will be a weather day.  Tuesday (yesterday) was one of those days.  It was awesome for Javalina because he had already got Monday off for MLK and it was supposed to be Boy's first day back to Texas State, so they were both pretty excited.  I went to work last night, expecting the freezing to start in the morning, but by the time I was trying to leave work, at 6:20am but there was already good accumulation of ice on the north facing side of the vehicle.I had to grab the door from the very bottom and pullhard to get the ice to give way and break.  I also sat there and waited for the windows to react to the heater and defrost for about 30 min.  Impatient as I am, I grabbed an old CD case and used the edge like an ice scraper to remove the thick sheet of ice on the front windshield.  Norah Jones's Greatest Hits will no longer be protected, but I got to leave a little earlier.
    After getting home and feeling like I won the lottery because I didn't slip and crash on the icy roads and I just had all this free time in the morning, I started up the computer in the kitchen, made me some toast and sat with some Hawaiian Punch to wash it all down.  After I got bored on the computer, I prepped a pork butt in the slow cooker.  I kind of like the slow cooker in that it makes me look like a good cook without me doing much more than tossing in a hunk of meat with some jar of sauce.  After this, it was close to 10:00am and I wanted to get in bed, mostly so I could wake up to snow and ice everywhere.  That did not happen.  The doorbell woke me around 11:00, with a delivery for Boy, as usual.  I was then able to sleep until 2:30pm which is as long as I sleep in a stretch  nowadays, so that was a good stretch.  I checked on the boys and outside and was disappointed to not see more to match the hoopla of a snow day, then I went back to bed.
    Javalina finally woke me with some old fashioned whining of being hungry.  I did not want to get up, I had already made up my mind I was going to stay home unless they called that they needed me.  I was able to avoid him for another hour but by 5:30pm both him and Wife on the phone were wanting me to be up.  I came down to check on my pork butt and it must have just turned off, as I had set it for 8 hours.  I stuck a fork in the biggest piece and just trying to lift it, it fell apart which I take as a good sign.  I poked at the rest of it until it all broke apart and heated up some corn tortillas in the meantime.  We bought a bunch of oranges this weekend, so I cut one to eat while I heated tortillas, Javalina cut one and ate it as his side with his tacos.  Eventually, Boy and DD came down to eat and everybody ate until they filled up.  I was very lucky to then stay behind and wash the dishes stacked in the sink.
    I almost decided to go to work, but Wife said TxDOT was saying parts of I-35 were still closed and there were many accidents still all over the place.  I finally decided this is why we get PTO hours and why risk an accident.  It is nice to be home when not expected, I only wish Wife was not as high strung and had stayed behind, but nope.  She sensed that children were in trouble 3 hours away in a small town called LaPryor and took off on a mission to save them from illiteracy.  Too bad school over there was cancelled too and instead of hanging with us, she got to hang out with my family.

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