Thursday, January 11, 2018

1/11/18 New Year's Resolutions?

    My brother was cracking wise about "idiots" who make resolutions at the start of the new year.  I don't share his negative view on this, as I believe the new year is the perfect time to start new routines and make subtle changes that can lead to a healthier lifestyle.  Yes, most of us quit a few weeks to a few months of doing this, but it is still good to try.  What is the alternative, decide "nah, I'm too fat I might as well keep doing what I've been doing?"  I have had luck from time to time to get on a weight loss regimen and keep off the weight for some time.
    The first one was in my second year at college, I simply did not eat all day while at school, and I started lifting weights and playing basketball.  Playing basketball was probably the biggest reason for the weight loss, with all its running, but lifting weights made me feel good about myself.  I've always been a fat boy and basically sift everywhere, but after lifting weights for a few months, I started developing chest and arm muscles, which was great for the psyche.  I carried this for a few years until I got married and started working.  Working at the warehouse allowed me to stay slimmer, but I worked too many hours to find time to lift.  At this point, I had also started biking and that was great for the heart and endurance, but again, work gets in the way of all the fun activities.
    Lately, as in the last few years, we got a gym at work, but every time I swear I am going to get serious, something happens.  I cut my leg, my partner hurt his shoulder, I hurt my elbow.  Well, brother dear, I have let my body rest for a good year while I healed my leg and then the elbow.  Now that I started work this week, I have started walking again and have been to the gym all three nights so far.  Since the year just started, we are a little slow, so I am taking full advantage.  I don't know If I'll be doing it hard in a month or found a new distraction to avoid applying myself, but I know I need to do something.  Every time I look at the scale after a few months of doing nothing finds me on the bad side of 400 pounds.  I do not want to be talking about 450 next year, that will surely give me problems I can't come back from.
    So, sorry bro, but for my own health, I have to believe in New Year's Resolutions.  I know it sounds cheesy and pretty much every one does the same thing in saying they want to lose weight and they are going to eat better.  I've gotten a salad pretty much everywhere I have eaten since Sunday.  That has to be an improvement over the burger and side of fries I would normally get.  We'll see, if I can have it my way, I would like to be down around 350 for the summer, I don't know if we are going to Florida this summer, but I would love to go.

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