Friday, July 8, 2016

7/8/16 Payback Is A MoFo?

    Is anyone surprised at what happened in Dallas tonight?  It has been building, it was just a matter of time.  I am sure none of the police officers chosen by the two snipers was intentional, it was mostly because they represent a police force that has not been acting honorably.  It has almost become a daily story, hearing about another altercation in a different part of the country where some unarmed individual of a minority persuasion gets taken under arrest and the individual gets beat to within inches of his life or his life gets taken. 
    I honestly don't know which side to believe.  I watch tons of videos on YouTube with police chases and shows like Cops and Criminals Behaving Badly, and yes police officers end up beating the crap out of the individual who ran, but maybe if he didn't run or he didn't resist.  I wouldn't snap the way some of these guys yell at police officers to my boss, yet when pulled over, many times the person will act like they are being bothered at home.  I always think good, kick his ass for having a shitty attitude.  Last weekend, we saw Straight Out Of Compton, and the way the LAPD was shown to act to black people in the "hood" was grotesque.  I can't say it was real, but I understood where Ice Cube and the rest of them came up with the energy to hate the whole police system.  But again, this was a movie, and from the eyes of someone who got rich singing about how bad cops are.
    I keep telling Wife that it shouldn't surprise us with all the attacks by ISIS or rebel muslims blowing up and attacking innocent people with their bombs, eventually some American Extremists are going to flip the script and start targeting innocent muslim families, much like tonight.  It has to happen, the primitive response in us is "an eye for an eye".  When the story broke, Wife called me and was explaining that the snipers were black and they were shooting at people at a black demonstration, which did not make sense to me.  First of all, snipers are usually white males, but this did not have so much to do with snipers as two people taking shots at police officers from a distance.
    I find this very worrisome and sad.  For the most part, I believe police officers are well meaning and good.  I have only talked to a handful of police officers in uniform a few times, mostly at my son's school, and they were always positive and smiling.  They have a shitty job, to enforce the rules that keep us acting like a society.  It is the rules which stop us from being animals, otherwise how are we better than our pets? 

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