Sunday, July 24, 2016

7/24/16 Final Dinner Before The Storm, Estancia Churrascaria?

    Saturday was technically the last day We hung out as Austinites for awhile.  Sunday starts a new challenge for us, as Wife will finally head on down to her new job.  We spent the day doing our favorite thing, shopping, and then we ate at our favorite fancy dinner.  I am a little nervous not knowing what new things are around the bend, but even if Wife was still working in town, nothing is guaranteed.
    With my folks here, it wasn't a straight shot to the mall, we started by stopping at the UPS store so my mom could send some things back.  We also stopped at World Market, my Mom loves that place, so she could get some coffees and wines.  My brother was with us and he requested we drop him off at any bookstore, which I did at the Barnes and Noble Bookstore.
    Once we got to the mall, we split off from my Mom and she went off to do her own thing, while we did some last minute shopping for things to make Wife's life a little better.  First of all, she has a bad habit of carrying her pillows wherever we go.  Since I don't want her doing that week in and week out, I told her to just get a couple new pillows and leave them down there.  This will save on her carrying stuff back and forth.  She has already bought a new make up set for over there, which will save her from carrying all her make up stuff back and forth.  Since she was going to need new pillowcases, I got smart and bought a set of sheets for the bed Chubs is going to be using.  It is a full mattress, and the set came with two pillow cases, and luckily, they had more in the same pattern, so we bought two more, so the four new pillows they bought each has a new case to go with it.  We didn't necessarily need a new quilt, but they were having a sale and we bought one for our bed.  We have been using our winter comforter and that thing is just plain hot.  Both of us end up shoving it between us and creating a wall that separates us.  We had a large quilt we used, but we set it up on the guest bed, and we just never claimed it back for us.  Quilts are not as warm as comforters, I presume, at least the ones we have used in the past have seemed to work out that way.  While at the mall, we also got a handful of clothes for Chubs, he will have a dress code down there.  At least he will be allowed to wear shorts, so he can be comfortable from the heat.
    Before long, it was approaching 7:00pm and we figured we needed to get going, if we were going to go to our restaurant.  We had to run back for my brother at the bookstore, then we ran home to pick up Boy, who had been working and offer my Dad a last chance to join us.  He is weird sometimes, just doesn't like leaving the house.  We left him behind and we were on our way by 8:00pm or so.
    That restaurant is just the best.  We did a quick run around the salad bar, it is a really good salad bar, but it can't compare to the meats.  Before long, we were in meat heaven, they just quietly keep coming around with more and more meat until you retreat or you flip your little card over to red.  My Mom got a full plate of salad from the bar, but probably ate 1/4 of what was on there.  The meat is too much, not to mention the basket of little breads, the banana things to wash down the taste of meat, and the polenta.  I ordered an alcoholic drink that was almost too strong, but I kept sucking on it because it had tiny bits of pineapple and strawberries and oranges which tasted fresh.  It is not a cheap place to eat, for the six of us and they counted Chubs as an adult, it was over $400, but it is something we enjoy once or twice a year.  We had promised Chubs we would go when school ended, and I delivered. 
    I am going to miss my little ham, but he still has a few weeks of summer in him, he should have fun playing with his cousins and hopefully getting a little wet outside.  Wife wants to be sad, but we both know it is a new challenge for her and she will meet it head on.

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