Saturday, July 2, 2016

7/3/16 Organization Is Just An Ikea Away?

    Boy is a walking talking hamster.  If you don't believe me, check out his room sometime.  He has piles of things in every corner.  Right now, he has his apartment, but they are kind of moving out, kind of moving, maybe coming home to watch Chubs...  let's say he is in flux.  He has boxes all over, just a path to his bed, and a small area around his computer/desk area.
    I suggested more bookshelves, which my little idiot had plenty of, but he gave them away.  Of course, he doesn't want the cheap Billy bookcases, but I am not spending $400-$500 a bookshelf when the Billys are $69 at Ikea.  Wife, Chubs, and I made a day of it yesterday.  We stopped and ate at Which Wich first.  I loved my club sandwich on toasted bread.  First time I ate there, won't be the last.  We then made our way into Ikea.  They built a 3 story garage in the last year, which is weird because they are nowhere near as packed as they used to be when they opened.  There were about 5 cars parked on the first floor, I parked there just to be in the shade.
    Ikea is cool, I like winding my way through, but once you start, you almost have to commit to walking the whole store.  There are some shortcuts if an emergency occurs, but they are not intuitive.  I love how they use space, I was telling Chubs, who asked why the swedes are experts in house stuff.  I am not sure, maybe they have smaller homes and they have to be efficient.  Americans just move to bigger homes when they outgrow their space.
    Anyways, when we got to the section with the shelves, there was a big selection, and although Boy didn't go, I sent him pictures of other choices, all he said is "I want long ones" which doesn't mean anything.  Of course, when I tell him he isn't being helpful, he says I knew you were going to pick what you wanted.  I said yeah, they are cheap.  I did find a small glass display which he said he had wanted to display his better stuff.
    Once you see what you like, it's not over.  You then have to go to the warehouse section closer to the checkout counters and go pick out your things.  Those Billy bookcases are packaged in some small dense boxes.  They are heavy.  The glass cabinet came in two boxes and it was equally as heavy.
    We got everything back home by ~7:00pm, Wife suggested I take a nap, which was convenient for her so she could watch more of her Zombie show.  I did get up early, like at 10am, cut the grass, Girlie came over and we chatted for awhile, then we went and did all that Ikea stuff, so it was a long day. 
    She woke me around 9:00pm asking what we were going to eat, I thought of Dairy Queen mostly because I wanted some ice cream.  There is one kind of nasty old Dairy on Stassney, they should invest in some new stores, I'm surprised they are still in business.  The burger was ok, but the banana split was good, Chubs and Wife had blizzards which always kick ass.
    By the time we got home, Boy had already set up one of the bookcases and even had some stuff up on it.  I wanted to help him, it makes me uneasy seeing so much mess all around him, but no.  He was in mid game, killing bad guys and he can't be disturbed.  I told him by the end of the weekend, get your shit together.  He just kind of nodded, but he may have been nodding to someone in his game, who knows with that Boy.

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