Tuesday, July 26, 2016

7/26/16 Just Needed To Get Busy?

    Well, no more moping around the house.  Mondays suck for everybody, mostly because we go back to work.  I was up late messing with the clothes, but everything got put away, the beds all have clean sheets, and I even managed to clean the kitchen and vacuum today.  Wife and I did discuss getting some maid service, but I think I can stay on top of things.  The only snag I see is Boy and my brother.  They both suck at cleaning their respective bathrooms.  It will be a cold day in hell before I start cleaning after my brother, and Boy is getting real close to tasting Croc with his butt.  With Wife gone, both lazy asses are going to have to act like actual human beings.  My brother actually wanted to argue with me about cleaning the restroom.  How can someone have such big balls as to say, "yeah, I use the restroom, but occasionally you might too, so I don't want to clean it."  I was complaining with my workout partner today and he suggested that if I was going to do it, charge both of them $50 to clean for them.  I might just go ahead and do that, make it part of my Seadoo fund.
    I got up around 3:00pm and the house was quiet, Boy was at campus doing his summer research job, my brother works nights, but instead of coming home and sleeping, he stays up until about 2:00pm, then goes to sleep.  I ate cereal, watched some porn and stuff, then I remembered I told myself I was going to vacuum, so I did.  My next big cleaning task will be to clean out the pantry.  I want it to be really usable.  I don't understand why we keep the 12-packs of soda up on the half wall in view of everything, same with the coffee, the bread, and assorted other things.  I want my kitchen magazine beautiful, and it will get there, even if I have to choke out my two numbskulls.
    I noticed from vacuuming that our carpet is past its prime.  It has huge spots of soda or coffee all over the place.  Sounds weird, but we have now been in the house almost nine years, so the carpet is that old.  As soon as we start saving a little of Wife's new salary, I told her I am going to start replacing floors, one room at a time, she agreed it is time.
    Before I knew it, I was running late to meet my coworker at the gym, and once onsite at work, it is just one thing after another until the weekend.  I worked until after 11:00pm, then I went to lunch.  Boy was having a get together so I am sure I get to clean up after him tomorrow when I get up.  I can complain all I want, but I didn't really have time to sit back and miss Wife or Chubs, I was just too busy.

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