Monday, July 4, 2016

7/5/16 Torn Over Holiday Breaks?

    I started the weekend knowing I was working Monday night, even though it is technically 4th of July.  Because I work nights, I start working Monday, but leave Tuesday morning.  My time gets logged on the following day, so technically everyone else was off, but I came in.  Since we didn't have plans it works out alright, as I end up getting paid an extra eight hours pay.  We just got back from our vacation last week and we have been dragging ass, and we grilled last night, Chubs had a sleepover with four extra boys a couple nights ago, and Boy even made it to the coast for an afternoon.  We are not missing out on summer fun.
    We did want to go eat at Zaxby's this afternoon, and they were closed.  We ended up eating at Mod Pizza, we then wanted to walk around Cabela's afterwards, but they were closing at 5:00pm.  How nice of these companies to do so.  I have always had the mentality of working in a factory where it runs 24/7.  Wife enjoys summers off, two weeks during Christmas, Spring Break, and now even a week during Thanksgiving, plus assorted in-service and holidays during any given school year.  I continue working year round.  I get probably a month I can take off, but never use up my entire time.  I always keep some in case there is an emergency.
    Change is brewing, I am getting older, Wife just got this new job which means a substantial raise, plus my brother is back with us and paying rent.  I no longer have to feel like I am doing all the heavy lifting bill wise.  I was tempted to just stay home, but we also have not seen what the new salary Wife got means on paper in a check basis.  Not wanting to leave money on the table I will just put in a full night.  Wife really wanted me to stay home, but the plan was to rewatch Independence Day and then catching a late viewing at Alamo Drafthouse, but I refuse to pay for tickets Boy could get us for free.  I do love the movie, even did a blog on the speech the President delivers, it is so good, probably a year ago for last 4th of July.
    I have felt weird inside, like when you are waiting for a Hurricane to hit, did you prepare enough?  Once Wife starts working in La Pryor it is going to be a whirlwind of running back and forth.  There is nothing more we can do, we go out to eat, we hang out, we hump, once she leaves, it'll all be truncated but the same.  I believe I am ready for this, it should be an adventure.  I do want her to get a handgun and know how to use it, Crystal City and La Pryor are not that far from the border.  Hopefully by Christmas time, we can get her a new car, that bug is starting to show its age.  It is fine for here in town, but highway driving is a different animal.  Told Boy we might even take his Edge and let Wife drive it, since he will be in San Marcos and not driving anywhere.  He got a look on his face, but I think he understands.

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