Monday, July 25, 2016

7/25/16 The Silence Is Deafening?

    We're here, Wife actually is gone with my Chubs.  There was some crying Saturday night, but the wheels are rolling and all we can do is go for a ride.  I know we will get used to our new normal in a matter of weeks, but them leaving today was a little tear inducing.
    First of all, my folks were here, and I got up around noon to help them load their car and send them off.  They wanted to leave ahead of Wife to get a chance to do some last minute cleaning.  It was good, as it gave us a chance to have lunch just the four of us.  Boy happened to come home early from work, so I showered and let Chubs choose a lunch place.  He chose Zaxby's, which I still say is one of our new favorites.  While we ate, he managed to get me to buy him one more video game for the road.  We know there is a Game Stop over by Mod Pizza in Kyle, so we headed there.  We putzed around there for a minute, but it was full of gaming junkies, so Chubs got his game and we had to head out.  It really is hard to say goodbye to the ones you love.  We were all a little choked up and quiet, and just like that we jumped into separate cars.  It didn't help that it was over 100 degrees and there was no shade in that parking lot.  Boy and I headed back to Austin and they were on their way down south.
    I did what I could to make her as comfortable as possible.  She has a couple new pillows, new sheets for the bed they'll be using, a new fan, a new laptop for work and printer, so she doesn't have to rely on Mom's set up, if she even has one.  Boy took her car on Thursday for an oil change, and they had washed the car on Thursday as well.  She has a couple new outfits to look nice for her new job, and she is carrying the support of virtually everybody she knows professionally.
    I was going to tear the house upside down and start cleaning like I always have said I could.  Instead, I laid down and slept about three hours.  I finally woke to a text she had arrived safely, around 7:00pm.  She started harassing me to make sure and feed Boy, and other stuff.  I had to tell her to stop it.  She agreed.  They went for a drive, stopping at the Dairy Queen, which is one of a handful of choices they got now.
    I was going to start cleaning our room, but got distracted dealing with the clothes over by the washer and dryer.  Since I was going to wash, I stripped the guest bed, and Chub's bed and ours.  I am writing this at 4:20am and I am still waiting on the last load in the dryer.  But it gave me something to do, I also cleaned the kitchen, which needed tidying up after my parents visited, they love sitting there drinking coffee, tearing at bread and making crumbs.  It was no big deal, I just had a handful of cups to wash, and to wipe down the counters.  I think I can keep up with the house, I'll vacuum tomorrow downstairs, and then maybe again on Friday, before Wife gets here. 
    I asked Boy while driving back to Austin what he thought of Mama going and working out of town.  He thought it sucked, he doesn't like that we are going to be apart, but he also said Bastrop sucked for not giving her an opportunity to climb up.  He understands that it has been ten years she has been trying to get promoted, and this is like the first chance that came around.  He is just hopeful that it won't take too long for her to get back, maybe after 1 year.  We were also fine, as we ended up eating at Sonic around 10:00pm.  I know it was late, but I knew I was going to be up until about 5:00am.  He also said he didn't have to go to bed early, he was expected on campus around 11:00am. 

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