Wednesday, July 27, 2016

7/27/16 Flossing And Brushing Like A Boss?

    I got a surprise reminder today to go to the dentist.  If I had looked at my phone, I would have noticed the appointment, but I generally don't look at my plans, normally, I just go to work.  The part that sucked is that I had already gone to Home Depot and I had stayed up late to fix some leaking hoses coming out of the air conditioning.  Every time we go to grab the large trashcans to take to the street, we have to step through a muddy section where the hoses discharge their water.  I connected them with a T shaped connector and a third hose to send the water away from where the fence gate is.  Then, because I was feeling heroic, I continued in the bathroom.  I bought some cleaning stuff and sprayed it on the walls.  Like the Mr. Bubbles stuff, that is supposed to clean all by itself, well, it really didn't do much of anything.  I scrubbed and scrubbed and made it a little better, but usually we clean the standup shower with SOS pads.  I just didn't feel like scrubbing that hard and getting down on my hands and knees.
    By the time I was done with all the foolishness, it was past 9:00am.  I thought great, I'm sleeping until 4:00pm, if I feel like it.  Well no, I get up around 2:00pm because my phone was flashing with some messages.  First off, Wife was going to go to lunch, but her car would not start.  My parents ran down, jumped the bug, left Wife my Mom's car, and they took the bug and bought it a new battery.  I hope that was it, I know the heat can destroy a battery, and I don't recall changing it the last two years.  This only got my Wife talking about getting a new car sooner than we planned.  Oh well, maybe this weekend, when she comes up, if we can swing it.  The other message was the dentist, and I figured even though I wanted to sleep late, I hate rescheduling stuff like that.  I got up, took a quick shower, and then had to run down and look for a dentist card from our new insurance.  I hate changing that stuff, but our company seems to be doing it once a year, to save a couple of nickels.
    Anyways, the dentist was fine, other than the dentist thinking I am going to have to replace one of my fillings soon, it is starting to detach.  Not bad, considering I got all my feelings sometime in high school back in my teens.  I got a quick clean and a treatment with fluoride that I didn't ask for, but they were happy to charge me an extra $30.  This was then followed by having lunch with Boy at Bill Miller and then off to work.  I tell you, no time to sit and miss Wife and Chubs.

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