Monday, December 28, 2015

12/29/15 Who Is Wearing A Tie in 2015 at 10:30pm on a Monday?

    We ended up eating Taco Cabana tonight (12/28/15) around 9:30pm, mostly because Wife is a burger hater and we have a lunch/dinner date with my friend and his kids at Salt Lick.  Taco Cabana is one of the few places you can get a decent taco of barbacoa.  I don't believe it is true cheek meat from the face of a cow, and it is definitely not smoked in a hole in the backyard overnight, since they have their drive through around back, but whatever meat they are using as substitute does a fine job and the seasoning is just right.
   We were eating our food quietly and relaxing talking about nothing in particular, well we need to pick a place for Spring Break for our timeshare, I know, first world problems.  There were two other families, Hispanic, bald headed dad, husky mom, 1-3 kids.  Very standard for a Monday, I figured, One or two separate homeless guys, probably getting off their shift of working the corner for change there at William Cannon and I-35.  Then walks in a group, all in ties, jackets, ladies dressed like they were out dancing.  Who is this group?  Who is still wearing a tie at 10:30-11:00pm?  Even the kids were in ties, if this was a school night, then I would think these kids need to be in bed, but I guess if it is winter break, then the parents have a right to use them as child labor.
    Taco Cabana has normal chairs where you sit like people, and they also have some bar height tables, I guess if you are more energized and need attention, you can stand, move around, bring attention to yourself, and maybe eat as you get your buzz on.  Of course, I figured these tie wearers are from some Spanish religious tent or house.  The lead man cannot help himself, just standing there with his people, he started talking in that rhythmic talk, louder and softer, louder and softer.  I guess the key points are loud, and the bullshit is soft.  Either way, it only takes a sentence or two to figure out people.  These guys must have been celebrating either spreading the word of the lord in 30 degree weather, or enjoying the winnings of their kill by eating a little protein, Mexican style.
    I know the thought is backwards, but in this day and age, who is running around in a suit and tie?  Scammers, lawyers, and naïve graduates.  I make a healthy salary, and have never had to wear a tie to work.  I interviewed twice to get into the company and the first time I wore a suit and the manager said no, I will not hire you because you will learn from me and move on up.  The second time, I said screw it and I just wore a polo shirt and I was then hired.
    The last time I wore a suit and I meant it was for Boy's graduation, and I did it because I was proud of him and we had all sorts of family coming up to acknowledge him, so I wanted to look my best for him, but day to day, no.  The tie is almost as antiquated as those square little graduate hats, what is up with those, anyway?  Nobody ever wears anything resembling that in any other activity.
    I could only feel the BS coming from that bow tie, and wondered what kind of a living do you get to make, using the word of the Lord, on the poor?  Do you think this guy and his gang get to do their schtick up there near the lakes where all those high dollar houses are at?  Or even a little west of I-35 where it's 95% white and definitely upper middle income folk?  Nah, they were taking nickels and dimes out of poor suckers from the east side of town, but I guess it's better than panhandling, at least you get a story from them.

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