Saturday, December 26, 2015

12/27/15 President Me, Another Carolla Gem?

    I bought President Me a couple weeks ago and have been reading it every chance I get on the throne.  This is Adam's third book, and in this book he goes through an imaginary world where he is President of the United States.  He has solutions for everything from graffiti on highways to bear attacks in state parks.
    I have always found Carolla to be hilarious, his humor very sarcastic, but some people don't get it.  His solutions are funny, but I had heard most of them, being that I have heard all ten years of his rantings on Loveline, and then followed him to his radio show accidentally, only to hear him going to his own and one of the first podcasts.  His podcast plays every day, and it is very much like a radio show, including a news girl to come in and read the daily news, and of course Bald Bryan doing his drops and funny noises to keep the show flowing.  Honestly, I got saturated, trying to listen to his daily show, then his show with Dr. Drew which is a rehash of Loveline, then the news gal Allison had her own podcast and Adam also had one dealing with cars, and for a while even his wife had a podcast, it just got to be too much to listen to, so I stopped it all.  I went most of 2015 without any Adam, listening only to a handful of episodes, but I will get back to basics.  For 2016, I will start listening to his main show and the Loveline copycat he does with Dr. Drew because I love their rapport when Adam is not being a dick with Drew.
    The book is simple for him, as he has ranted on everything, and then some.  Take the FAA, he travels a lot as a comedian, so he has a lot of complaints he notices in the airports and the people who are too comfortable walking around almost barefoot.  Or The Department of Health and Human Services, which he spent time in an upscale hospital when his dad fell ill, only to find reminders of shitty humans there too.  Toilets and water fountains graffiti'd by gangbangers and the wad of tobacco chew spit in the water fountain by some disgraceful animal that bothered him to no end.  He even added pictures from his phone to the book.  He also has complaints not about the doctors who spend half their lives training and hundreds of thousands of dollars investing in their education only to be bested by celebrities such as Jenny McCarthy and her crusade against vaccines.  It is a shame, but I have already seen and read statistics showing measles and mumps making small comebacks because parents listen to these people who might be well intentioned, but they are not doctors and shouldn't be given mouthpieces to spread half-truths on daytime TV.
    The core of the Carolla teachings I have already picked up by listening to his podcasts, and that is on a need to focus on family, men should not be allowed to procreate 14-20 times with nine different women and expect things to come out well.  One never needs to worry about Dr. Drew's kids, they have two parents that care for their kids and they will do everything in their power to make sure they get an education and succeed.  Worry about the mama with a handful of kids and all those absent fathers.  They are what is dragging this country down.

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