Saturday, December 26, 2015

12/26/15 Isolated From Our Normal World, Working On Our Ressurection?

    I almost feel guilty being home and off, but not visiting with family.  I felt a need to disconnect though it is hard to explain.  The last few weeks we had people coming in, even the start of Christmas break had my folks here until Tuesday.  So then after they left, I feel like now I can start my little vacation, where I can stay up until 5:00am if I want, or get up at 2:00pm in the afternoon, if I feel like it.
    I do enjoy my folks here, even my friends, but I need time alone, If I could send Wife and the boys away, I would probably enjoy that too.  I need a cabin in the woods, so I can disappear to for reflection.
    I see pics on FB of my family getting together, and I felt like we should be there, I just don't have the energy to go.  Perhaps being with family would energize me?  I wish this were true, but usually we argue over petty things and thus I feel less than superior when I leave. 
    The weather is also fixing to finally change, which should make the weather interesting, as it has been a boring and steady mid 70's the past week.  Tomorrow looks to be only in the 60's, followed the rest of the week with highs barely in the 50's and lows touching the freeze mark in our area.  We have even had to resort to running the A/C all week to make it cool and comfortable.  Of course, Boy goes too far, as he feels the house cool from the A/C and he actually feels the need to run the space heater in his room, I wish he paid the light bill, once in a while, so he would not be so foolish.
    Being the animals we are, we must always be looking forward, and what do we have coming up to focus on, but Spring Break in a couple months.  We have had the use of our time share the last few years, and must soon decide where we are going to spend our week.  Last year we were in Galveston, and the weather during the week was cooler than it has been this past week, but it was nice to be away from home.  The Spring Break before was spent in the cabin in the woods, which I thought was very nice, but everyone else missed the internet connection.  This next time I think I might want to try nearer to Houston, make day runs to Houston Zoo, malls, if my parents come maybe even make a day trip to Louisiana on I-35.
    But for now, we shall continue our shut-in ways for a few more days.  If we are making any headway, it is in catching up on our recorded shows.  I did not want to give up on Once Upon A Time, but we have had too many shows to watch.  At this point, I believe there are ten or eleven shows recorded, and after seeing Emma the Savior on House as a much younger version of herself, it will be interesting to see her as the bad guy.  I don't want to get ahead of myself, I just want to look forward to the only stress in my life is from the one brought upon by seeing what will happen next on whatever dramatic show we decide to watch.

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