Saturday, May 9, 2015

5/10/15 Mother's Day Thought?

    Mother's Day, yet another way
to show our mothers love, in a new display
I can thank the Lord or I can thank the Earth
both take credit for the woman that gave me birth
she taught me right from what is wrong
and probably to appreciate a 60's song
She said "with open eyes you tackle life"
go forward and find a good wife.
This was perhaps the best advice of all
for a good wife makes a man stand tall
and though we both argue over small crap
I know my wife always has my back
She's given me two boys that seem so different
but in their core it is us they represent
The first one thoughtful and quiet
the other loud and a laugh riot
but put them together and you'll notice both burning with knowledge
If the secret of life is to always be grinning
call me Charlie Sheen cause I am "winning!"
Life has always been good for me at every stage
thanks to all the women who have acted as a sage
Sometimes I feel like I might be slow
but I think all the mother's I know just wish I was their Joe.
I was raised to be so awesome and debonair
all the mama's I know wish I was their heir.
I love all you mama's in the proper amount
for you give me your knowledge, and I do not discount
I am a better man for all the lessons that I have been taught
but of course it all started with the woman that cleaned off my snot.

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