Friday, February 27, 2015

2/27/15 Breaking Bad Was Wow?

    I just finished watching Breaking Bad marathon style on Netflix.  It really was an intense, scary, intimidating show.  We had tried watching it a couple years ago and I found it too gory.  The episode where Walt has the kid on the pole in the basement tied with a bike lock was too surreal.  The patience of each scene.  Having the time for a soliloquy with a gun pointed to a character's head.  Or the opposite when Walt would run into a room with not a second to spare screaming to Jesse or Skyler.
    The premise is Walt is dying of lung cancer, he is a chemistry teacher in a local high school in Albuquerque, New Mexico and he wants to leave his family money after he is gone.In comes an old student of his and introduces him to the underground world of "cooking meth".  We see Walt go from a weak coughing dying desparate man, to almost the devil incarnate.  Once he gets going, he laughs in the face of death multiple times and his mentor Jesse who brought him into the game now fears him
          "look... look, you two guys are just... guys okay?  Mr. White... he's the devil.  You know,
           he is... he is smarter than you, he is luckier than you.  Whatever... whatever you think is
           supposed to happen... I'm telling you, the exact reverse opposite of that is gonna happen,
    There is nothing for poor Jesse to do but ride out the show according to how Walt demands.  And yes, you do feel sorry for Jesse because he was happy living under the radar, while Walt wants to take the same skills and build an empire.
    Walt knows he is a man with a couple years to live, so maybe he takes risks that normal people would not plus he becomes drunk with power.  There are a couple of points in the story line where they could get out, the best one being where they could sell the methylamine they stole from the train for $5 million a piece, he says no.  He has already calculated he could turn that amount into $300 million dollars.  His wife tries to reason with him and his retort leaves her feeling like she is trapped when she is crying to him that one day somebody will come to get him knocking on the door, his response:
          "You clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in.  I am not in danger,
           Skyler.  I am the danger.  A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of
           me?  No!  I am the one who knocks."
    The end is a massive shootout Walt style, and it is not surprising of those that walk out surviving, Walt truly sacrifices himself for those he loved.  The end left me feeling drained, crying and almost every emotion felt.  It was written and acted very well.  I was late to join the bandwagon because I don't like drama shows, but this was a very entertaining series.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Glad you liked it! When hubby started watching it I was skeptical too but it soon wrapped me up in all the action and drama. It soon had me crying, laughing and covering up my eyes all within the same episode! The ending was awesome!
