Sunday, February 1, 2015

2/2/15 Boo To The Commercials?

    Saw the Super Bowl earlier tonight, and I did not care for the ads, which are usually over the top entertaining.  Honestly, missed the first quarter and maybe all the funny stuff happened in the beginning, but that commercial with the kid who won't ever marry was a freaking downer, who uses a "dead kid" on a million dollar ad?  Blahh.
    Then there was the McDonald's commercial saying you can pay with a hug to your family, sappy much, waah.  It seemed to go on and on.  With uncomfortable "I love u, Mom" while the creepy cashier stares at you.  Ughh, I'll just avoid McDonald's until after Feb14.
    How about the super Dad who is driving his little girl and she is gradually growing up, looks like a car commercial, he'll hand off the Prius after 10 years or whatever, but no.  They arrive at the airport and she has joined the army.  Great.  We've run out of guys to enlist, now we'll continue with the female population.  Nothing wrong with that, but come on, these commercials just had Wife and I crying.
    I missed the Nissan commercial, but anytime they play Cats In The Craddle, it's not good times for Daddy.  Just saw it on Youtube and goddammit, it is another sappy mess.  That one I do not get the point, there are better ways to make a living if you want to be close to your kids.
    How about the commercials?  They used to be aimed at the 13 yr old boy in all of us with the half-naked girlies bouncing around, this year they went with the upstart young company owner working diligently over his paperwork trying to make sure his company was poised for success.  Poppycock!  Where's the cliche champagne bottles exploding over the girls as they await their bubble baths in writhing ecstacy?
    Best commercials were Liam Neeson being all Liam Neeson to some kid who beat him on a video game.  I also liked the Nick Offerman advertising for Nascar and I don't even like cars going round and round.
    Maybe Adam Carolla missed it by a few years, judging by these commercials, we are already all a bunch of chicks.  The football game itself made up for the lousy bunch of commercials, it was very good.

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