Friday, July 8, 2022

7/8/22 Getting Back To Normal?

     Getting back to normal has maybe taken a couple of days.  We got back around 3:00pm on Wednesday and I promptly jumped in bed and took an hour nap, as soon as everything was inside the house.  Wife did some cleaning and started a load in the washer while I napped.  Mijo was a champ and grabbed all the dead palm leaves that had been piling up in the backyard and put them on the curb, we had the twice a year brush pick-up this week and all the yards with brush piles still had them, so we didn't miss it.  

    While we were up there, Girlie asked when we were getting back, she is fixing to end her apartment lease in a week and is then going to Indiana for a semester internship, so she will be staying with us for a few weeks until she leaves.  She wanted to bring a couple of bins over, with her clothes.  She said it was 4-5 bins, which sounded like nothing, and being that Mijo had two friends come over, I took them over as my muscle and made short work of the labor.  It was a little deceiving, it was 4 giant bins, which all seemed to weigh like 80 pounds apiece, followed by another 4-5 bins a little smaller but filled with books and other things that also had a lot of weight and finally another 4-5 small bins she had filled with kitchen supplies.  I could not imagine her or her ditzy friends/cousins carrying any of these big bins, she's lucky she knows us.  Mijo enjoys doing it, if for anything to just show off his strength.  Plus, we told them we would take them to eat afterwards.

    I am always surprised when his friends say they haven't eaten at a place we go to regularly, this time Cheddar's.  We took Girlie along with us, by the time we got out of the restaurant, it was already dark, and when we got home, she promptly left, she is not on vacation like we are.

    Mijo's friends spent the night, Wife had been talking about going to Houston, just for fun on Thursday, but I was still kind of dragging ass, and she didn't want to drive, and it's not like I was going to get a new watch, even if I did drive, so there wasn't much motivation.  Instead, we went to the movies on Thursday afternoon and saw Top Gun.  As I have said many times, Mijo did not like the first one, he hated that Maverick got Goose killed by being a knucklehead who didn't listen, amongst many other story problems.  I will get into Top Gun on the next blog, it was pretty awesome.  As much as I hate going to the movies early, it was nice to get home early enough to nap and then still have some leftover day to do whatever.  We napped from 6:00pm to 7:30pm then made some frozen pizzas and watched an episode of Stranger Things and a silly rom com movie to fill out the night.

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