Sunday, July 17, 2022

7/17/22 Weird Running Into People We Know Out In Public?

     Yesterday was a really nice lazy day.  We didn't do much, we kept wanting to take Mijo school clothes shopping, but he did not want to leave the house.  After a couple of naps and not much else, Wife and I decided we would go to Central Market to get some breads, maybe some cheese, no real plans, just hadn't been there in a while.  Before stopping there, I wanted to go to Academy.  I think I am ready to start working out again, and I have noticed the 70-pound rubber strap does not give me enough resistance when doing triceps kickbacks, but the 100-pound strap gives too much.  The only solution in my head then is to go and buy the 80 and 90-pound straps and figure out which one I should be using.  This then turned into also buying a knee brace for Mijo who keeps overdoing his shenanigans and has now hurt himself a bit.  We are hoping it is just a strain and that a few days off will get him back to normal.

    After this, we finally ended up at Central Market, and before going much farther than the fruits and vegetables in the beginning of the store, we stopped, Wife wanted some sort of dip for chips, since we were going to keep it very low key and eat just chili hot dogs for dinner.  I looked back and did a double take, we don't normally see people we know, but DD was walking up to us, his hair loose (it is usually in a ponytail), I did the "I know this guy while pointing at him telling Wife."  People just look different out in the wild, it took seeing his wife over his shoulder and the baby to say "yup, that's them."  By then, he was pretty much on me, I gave him a hug, and then we stood there for a good 10-15 minutes talking and catching up.  Wife carried the baby the whole time we talked, he is a stout and thick baby.  Wife insisted I carry him, and he feels like a solid block of meat, like a brisket, there is no softness to this baby.  He smiled the whole time he was in Wife's arms, which is nice, nobody likes a bitchy crying baby.

    We ended up inviting them over for brisket Sunday evening, but I was out and up front with it has to be more of a dine and dash.  Wife likes having them over but then she doesn't go to bed at her normal time, so she had been hesitant to have anyone over lately.  I understand, with this heat, I also feel tired all day long too.  His wife also agreed that she likes coming over, but then they always seem to stay too late, and she feels like they cut into our routine, so we agreed they will come, eat and be brief, which is the way it should be, especially for a Sunday.  I put my brisket in the pellet grill at 8:00am, and now at 1:00pm, it has been in the smoke for 5 hours.  It is only a 7.5 pounder, so it won't need the full 10-12 hour cook time the bigger ones usually get.  I plan on looking at it around 3:00pm and if it looks good, taking it out and letting it rest for an hour or two before cutting into it.  If we eat at 5:00pm, it might be better for everybody, usually we eat at 8:00-9:00pm and then it makes it real hard to get in bed before 10:00pm.

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