Friday, July 22, 2022

7/22/22 Maybe Football Is Taken Too Seriously In Texas?

     Baby A hurt his knee last week during a wrestling practice and although I thought we could just wait a bit and the pain would go away; he woke up complaining that it still hurt this week to the point that Wife started harassing me to take him to the doctor.  I don't like falling out of my routine but sometimes it is inevitable.  Since the pain is staying there and not disappearing, we started thinking it might be something scarier, what if he tore something?  The mind then starts running away, if there is a tear or bone chips or something that requires some sort of surgery, is his football season over before it even begins?  These are things a parent goes thru in their head, and not because I need him to be on the field, but because I know our boy has been all about being the big strong jock, and what if he has to miss out on his senior season?

    Either way, the only way to get to the bottom of all these questions was to go get a doctor to evaluate his knee.  We went to Victory Medical; their facilities are one of the nicer ones we have been to, so it has become our place to go see medical staff, mostly for our boy.  We first came here last year when he injured his shoulder, which was scary and for a minute it seemed like his season was done.  It turned out that the doctor determined it was just a bruise and although he was in tremendous pain, we walked out of that doctor's visit with a "well, if he can handle the pain, he could get out on the field tonight, but I would probably rest it at least another week."  I was half ready to agree with the Waterboy's mom and just say "your little foosball career is over boy; I don't want to see you in pain."  Two weeks later he was back out on the field and the shoulder didn't seem to bother him anymore.

    It was very similar with his knee, the doctor came in, we were told by the nurse that he deals mostly with sports injuries, so he is the guy to go to at their facility, which gave me a little peace of mind.  He gave our son a very thorough inspection, moving and poking all around his knee to figure out what and where the pain was coming from.  He determined that in his drop to his knee (when he "shot" (wrestling term)), he managed to get the bones to rub against each other, I think the femur and the patella bones, so now they are irritated and tender.  He then aggravated the situation by going overboard on Friday and doing way too many squats to prove he is a man, or whatever these boys do in the gym.  Again, surprisingly to me, he brought up the fact that "football starts in two weeks, what are you doing wrestling?"

    Good or bad, the doctor said he can continue working out, just don't do anything that will cause pain, so go light or avoid leg workouts for a bit.  He added, "I don't want to see you lose any of the gains you've made this off-season."  As he walked out of the room, the doc added "I'll see you out on the field, I referee area games."  I thought that made him cooler, because he is on the side of these kids and trying to see them put their best on the field.  As a parent, again I feel like if I was the doctor, my opinion would be "you're done, I should have kept you in band, where you wouldn't have injured yourself."  But I know Mijo is half animal, and he needs to be out there fighting, it defines him right now.

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