Monday, July 4, 2022

7/4/22 The Perfect Vacation Moment Is Expensive?

     There was a moment yesterday at Rockport Beach where everything seemed just perfect with the world.  I think that is the vacation moment we look for when we venture out on these far away destination trips.  Wife and I were out about 100 yards in the surf, the water was about as clear and clean as it is for the Texas coast, at the Rockport Beach, it must be a protected bay, looking at the map, it is protected by San Jose Island, so it is not the open gulf.  The waves are not aggressive at all and even this far out, we are standing in water barely up to our knees with a slight wave bumping us every few seconds.  This is when one gets the feeling "we should do this more often..." and then it is another year before you come back.  Why, you ask?

    This moment is not easy and carefree, it took a lot of money and energy to get us standing out here.  First off, we had to rent a place to stay.  I know we could have gone the easy and cheap route and just gotten a cheap room with two beds and be done.  I refuse to vacation this way, I want at least a room for Wife and me, even if we are not playing husband and wife at night, I don't want my kid seeing me scratch and fart and whatever else I do in the privacy of my own room.  Then there is the matter of food and supplies.  We went to HEB and easily spent $400 in groceries and other things.  There was a beach chair for Mijo, he didn't bring one to sit on.  We also bought a flimsy sun umbrella which could not stand up to the vicious wind we encountered out there.  The only meal we plan on eating in the condo is breakfast, so we got plenty of varieties for that, including bacon, sausage, eggs, beans, chorizo and tortillas, of course.  I like having coffee and a pastry when I get up, so I got some Kierig cups, there is that kind of coffeemaker in the room.

    There was the destination itself which was kind of comical.  My parents have always preferred or just gone to the beach at Bob Hall Pier, and we were about a mile from there, where we got our condo.  Out of nowhere, my folks went and scouted Rockport Beach, my in-laws used to go out there when they brought their RV a few years ago.  My mom really liked the beach, it looked calmer, so she chose the destination.  Bob Hall Pier is great, but it does face the open gulf and the waves get aggressive on windy days (it has also been under construction after the last hurricane came and damaged the pier itself).  The beach was a good 40-50 miles away from where we were staying, so the drive required effort.

    Yes, the perfect vacation moment can and does exist, but it is not just magical and waiting to happen.  It must be worked for, we found it, but only after really wanting it.  I am hoping for another one or two good moments like that, we still have a couple more days before we leave.

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