Saturday, July 16, 2022

7/15/22 Fancy DXL Store?

     I am kind of a slob, not that I don't try, but being a fat-ass, it is kind of hard for me to find clothes I am comfortable in, so I have a few things I tend to wear, and I stick with them until they get destroyed and/or old.  I have had some success at Dillard's, they have a "big and tall" section and they do offer a pretty good selection, if and when you need to dress up.  I want clothes I can wear every day, like some baggy shorts that don't feel dressy, or even something like pants without the need for dress shoes.

    I have known of DXL existing for some time, it used to be Casual Male back in the day, but the only location I had seen since the Casual Male closed down in South Austin, was an outlet store at the San Marcos outlets.  This is actually where I met the guy that got me to join the orchestra from San Marcos before Covid ruined everything.  The store itself was fine, I guess.  It had plenty of stuff, if you don't mind everything just being packed tightly in row after row of shirts and pants all stuffed together.  This just doesn't leave a good taste in the mouth to want to go and visit that store very often.  Because it is an outlet store, I also feel like I am buying the leftovers that didn't sell at the "real stores."

    Yesterday, after dropping off Mijo at weight training, Wife and I got busy, first going and dropping off her Telluride for an oil change, then heading north to a DXL store we found on the map while I was contemplating ordering some shorts thru their online magazine.  The online thing suggested we could pick up at a local location, which showed there was a store up in North Austin.  It is close to but not at The Domain, so we headed up there via Mopac.  We got there right at 10:00am, when they open, so it worked out about perfectly.  I was looking for two things, one was shorts I can wear every day.  My favorite shorts have holes in the butt, where they are sewn together.  I had bought some nice Polo shorts, but they are way too thick, made out of the same material they use for their warm-ups.  I prefer the mesh type material, it breathes better.  I found pretty much the same style as I had bought a few years ago and now even added a red pair, so I should be good for a while.  I also bought a couple of warm-up pants, which I will try to wear for work.  I still heavily disagree with the rules of work that we have to wear pants, in case we spill acid on ourselves, the pant won't do anything but spread the acid and keep it on our skin for longer.  With shorts, we could instantly spray the area with water, if we ever need to.  Either way, this is not one I am going to win, so I will at least improvise and find some comfortable pants to work in.  I think because it has been so hot, the lab has had a hard time keeping up with the heat and it has been almost stuffy and clammy in the lab, wearing pants makes it suck that much more.

    I kind of got away from the message, but I do want to say that the DXL store was about as nice and fancy as anything I have seen for the "normies" at any mall.  Apparently, fat people can shop in nice looking stores with proper mood lighting and nice decor and everything.  We don't need to be lead thru the slop lines that are the outlet malls, where everything is stuff to the gills.  I really enjoyed the store experience, it just kind of sucked that Mijo called that they were done a bit earlier than I anticipated.  I really didn't get a chance to walk the entire store, but it gives me a reason to go back.

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