Monday, July 11, 2022

7/10/22 This Heat?

     I thought once the hundred-degree days broke a week ago, we might settle into some hot but not deadly heat for the rest of the summer.  Now that I look at the weeklong forecast, it seems that the heat isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but up.  According to the forecast on my phone, it is supposed to reach 105 multiple times this week and more than likely stay above 100 for a high all week.  This heat isn't good for anyone, except maybe the cacti.

    Yesterday was Sunday (wrote this a day late), and we usually grill some meat on Sundays when we are home.  Being that we had been on vacation the weekend before, I was looking forward to eating some beef burned on the grill.  The problem was going outside to do the deed.  First off, I had to go to the store in the morning.  We have gotten used to the routine of me going on Sunday mornings, before it gets too late.  Because we stayed up until 3:00am, binge watching Stranger Things, we didn't get to sleep until real late, then I didn't want to get up like normal at 7:00am.  I didn't go to the store until almost 11:00am and by then it was too late.  Not only because it gets hotter as the day progresses, but there are more and more people too.  At one point, I had to just go past the aisle with bread, wait a couple minutes for the crowd to die down, then go back in to be able to get the right bread, the aisles were so crowded.

    Back at home, we have the grill on the patio in the back, so there is some kind of shade, but even going out just to turn it on, love my pellet grill, and then waiting inside for it to heat up was a lot.  I then very quickly went out and put the jalapeno bombers to start cooking first, followed by the chicken thighs, then the steak and fajitas, followed lastly by the sausage and then of course, the tortillas.  Every time I went out, it took a couple minutes sitting in front of a fan to cool off.  Wife went out to handle the tortillas, and she didn't like it much either.  We used to hang out, jump in the pool, and do outside stuff before, I don't know if it is because it is hotter, we are older, or we just got lamer.

    Either way, I really want this summer to just be done.  I hate that Mijo has to be doing his summer football stuff in this weather, but I guess it is good that they do it early in the day and are out of the sun before noon.  I think it would be a lot worse in the afternoon when the sun has had enough time to set everything ablaze.  This summer just kind of sucks.

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