Tuesday, March 1, 2022

2/28/22 Baby A Becoming A Trainer?

     I've been eyeing this interest in Mijo's interest in soccer games with a slight wonder as to why.  I figured if he is interested in some girl that is a good enough reason for him to be out there in some of these cold nights.  Yesterday, with no warning, he texted around 2:00pm to see if he could go to the soccer game at night.  I don't mind him going, but there are logistics involved.  I go to work around 1:00pm nowadays and although I can easily go and pick him up, I don't want to spin around an hour later and go pick him up.  Wife would normally do the second pick up, but her friends from La Pryor are in town for a conference and so she went and had dinner with them last night, so I had to tend to Mijo.  It turned out the game was a double header, JV played first and then the Varsity team played after, both girls' teams, hence why I keep thinking he might have a crush on a girl.

    His story is that he is curious about becoming a trainer, one of his friends has been doing it after he broke his ankle at the start of football season.  The kid carries a huge bag with all sorts of first aid gear and has been getting trained on how to respond to small emergencies on the field.  Mijo went to the game saying he talked to the coach and the coach said he could be a ball boy.  Ball boys chase the ball when it is kicked out of bounds and from what I saw the last ten minutes of the game when I went to get him, those ball boys are running as much as the girls as the ball spends about as much time out of bounds as in play.  One way or another, our boy figured out it was easier to tend to scrapes and bruises, so he talked to the head trainer, and she said he could help out.

    Knowing our boy, I was not surprised when he said, "for the first girl I helped I was being real delicate, I didn't want to hurt her, but by the end of the game, I was thinking and wanting to yell at them to quit whining about every little scratch and get your ass back on the field."  He said all the girls just keep asking for band aids for every little scratch.  There is no way these girls could survive a football game.  He did get a lot of experience he said, girls were constantly coming off the field with various cuts and one girl did have to be carried off the field when she got kicked in the leg and she got a nasty bruise.

    I am hoping this sparks an interest in Mijo wanting to go in the medical field, there are so many things one can study and do well, nowadays.  Other than becoming a doctor, even a physical therapist, technician, and other specialties I can't even think of.  He is at a good age to experience different things, maybe he finds something he really loves.

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