Sunday, December 6, 2020

12/6/20 And I Swear I Really Loved Going Shopping?

     Well, nothing ruins a good time like shitty fucking people.  Yesterday was great, Wife took the day off to go to the dentist, which she did at 8:30am, so she was back home by 11:00am and we had the rest of the day to enjoy.  I smoked a brisket which turned out so freaking good, but it did take all day and I just said screw it and pretty much left the grill all alone most of the day.  Leaving the house is supposed to be our normal, but when surrounded by these fucking walking zombies way too locked into their phones or I don't know what, it becomes a different experience.

    We went to Cabela's first and that was fine, but when we left, we headed to Kyle to eat at Mod Pizza and we had to drive through a crash at the light by the big HEB and the frontage of I-35.  Something tells me not paying attention to the road and looking at their cell phones was to blame, maybe not.  Anyways, it took a minute to get around it, before and after we ate.  We then went home, I checked my grill, napped, we had gone to bed after 2:00am and I got up at 7:30am to start the grill, then we headed back out.

    We headed to Best Buy, because Wife had an idea for a gift and Baby A asked for a game.  Before we got there, just entering the parking lot by Serrano's, I was almost hit by a driver that was parked right in front of the restaurant, in one of those "pick-up" spots, I guess he decided he needed to move, but didn't look back, just put it in reverse and hit the gas.  I was going forward, had to hit the brakes and the horn, which did nothing as he pulled all the way out, continuing toward me even as I laid on the horn.  He then proceeded to turn his steering wheel and park in a spot facing the opposite way about two cars down, again, never acknowledging he almost hit me.  I yelled "asshole" at him, but kept going.  I've heard of too many stories of people getting shot over nothing, and if you are that stupid, you also probably carry a gun, those two things go hand in hand.

    Best Buy seems to be a store lost in itself, unless you need a TV, that is about all that is left to buy there, I mean the aisles are loaded with TVs all over the place.  Wife did her shopping and I walked around looking for ideas, but nothing really came to mind.  Checking out was the situation that pissed me off, again.  The cashier never looked at us, scanned the items like his little gun was in his pocket barely lifting his arms.  I got vocal with Wife as I told her to see if he would snap about the missing cards he wasn't even scanning between the packages I had put on the counter.  I stepped outside as I didn't want to call the guy half-ass or something, and 20 minutes later we were still there.  Wife was having a hard time paying because one of the items didn't have a working scanner thingy, they wouldn't let her pay with the old ass gift cards she had, about $50 dollars worth, she found in the closet but they wouldn't accept them because she was buying new gift cards, but these were Nintendo specific.  She had to break up the basket, pay for a couple items with the gift cards and then the rest separate.  I  just sat back leaning against the TVs sitting there in the aisle not believing that in this age of computer check outs we were still there literally as the day turned to night.

    I left pissy at Wife for not just walking out and leaving the shit on the counter.  I realized shopping on Amazon avoids all this shit.  I guess that is what the Best Buys of the world want by putting these half awake assholes where they interact with the people.  Wife was bothered because the guy never said "Hi", never established eye contact, made here feel like she was wasting his time, and we could do nothing but see the line grow from one person behind us to about ten.  Ehh, we will finish out our shopping at home, by the light of the computer, it is a lot less frustrating.  I will take my .40 cent cup of coffee and the comfort of home to a $7 Starbucks and all the Covid stricken people at the mall, fuck all that.

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