Tuesday, December 22, 2020

12/22/20 Disney Releasing Mulan Was A Bold Move?

     Disney releasing its own movies is turning into something.  I did not like the idea at first because we already pay for Netflix and Hulu, now we have to pay for Disney, then every big outfit is going to want to spin out on its own and that may be happening.  Wife said recently NBC removed itself from our local channel lineup on cable.  I don't know why we still have cable, we rarely even watch it anymore.  Honestly, I enjoyed Goldbergs and Black-ish, but both seemed obsessed with the whole woke BS and sorry, but that does not make for entertaining television.  Yes, you might have an important message, for you, but that does not mean we are entertained by your plight and sorry but we tune in for entertainment, not sermonizing, leave that shit for Sunday mornings when we can sleep through stuff.  I loved Anthony Anderson the chubby comedian being a successful dad, not the woke movement expert shaming America weekly.

    Anyways, Disney has been impressing the crap out of us recently.  Wife and I still are mesmerized by Hamilton and we listen to the soundtrack every time we head out of town, the Mandalorian brought so much clout back to the Star Wars franchise, as my brother said making up for the last three shit movies we had to endure, the fuck you kill Han Solo like that, he should have been left alone to live on in our imaginations.  Not only was Baby Yoda the cutest thing in the last twenty years or so, but the lore of the Mandalorians and how Mando (such a great name) lives and carries his name and way of life is just the stuff of legends nowadays.  I will say Mulan delivered well, for what it was.  It could have been turned into a disgusting (yet another) example of women besting men at what men have been doing since before we climbed out of the fucking jungles and became the mammals we are now.  Mulan is a warrior who saves the day, and she does best the other men/children she is grouped with, but at least it was set that way.  The whole crew she was with were basically boys being put into battle clothes, she wasn't just thrown into an army of experienced men warriors and then she out fights everyone as I was expecting.  She has a little "magic" in that her chi is very potent, if that is how you describe that, and the writers didn't make her out to be some perfect creature, they poked fun at her being a stinky dude that really needed to shower at some point when she was still in disguise.  She does what Mulan does, we all saw the cartoon version, so I won't break the movie down but I do want to say I liked the execution of it.  It could so easily have turned into a woke event and taught us that anything men can do, women can do better and that message usually sucks, this stayed relevant and "realistic" as far as a movie with "magical" moments can be.

    Before we started watching it, Boy said it sucked badly and that China had made their own version and it was much better.  I had to shit on him because EVERYTHING Chinese is better to him, from the fried wontons to the rice, this boy of mine seems ready for the Chinese to take over as the world's super power, they can do no wrong.  I call BS, this movie version was fine, I enjoyed it.  I don't have a problem with the Chinese, I have always enjoyed the movies released here and I know Mulan is Disney's version of a Chinese princess to sell more merchandise.  I just get tired of Mijo turning his nose at our stuff in favor of some other countries product as being superior as a regular thing.

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