Sunday, December 13, 2020

12/13/20 Really Don't Like Leaving The House?

     I am not sure if it is because now we accustomed to being isolated at home or if the traffic has gotten that much worse as more people move into the city, but it is becoming harder and harder to move around the city.  Yesterday, Wife decided we needed to get an oil change on Boy's Ford Edge.  He has pretty much decided to keep the Ecosport we bought earlier this year because it has more gizmos like heated seats so I did the next best thing and took over driving the Edge since it is newer and smaller than the Excursion.  Well, it has a tag reminder on the windshield that said the oil change should have been done at the end of October, but Boy said since he hadn't been driving it to go by the computer counter which last he looked said the oil life was at 50%.  Wife who is a genius when it comes to electronics took it last week to La Pryor, to save the mileage on her Telluride, but almost instantly looked at the oil life and decided the best thing to do was hit reset on the oil life, so now we have no clear tracking on how old the oil was.

    Anyways, all that to say we needed to take the vehicle to Ford but the traffic was just plain horrible.  It is always a mess at Slaughter Lane and I-35, no surprises there but I thought it would be quicker to go around on the frontage of I-35 and just do the turnaround at Ben White and was that ever a mistake.  Traffic was backed up on the highway coming south at 10:30am.  I told Wife to abort as I had left a few minutes earlier and take Congress from behind and take the back roads.  She isn't quick to jump like that, I did that and took the vehicle in, talked to the service lady there and was told it would be ready in an hour or so.  I then stood out by the street waiting for Wife to get me, 10 minutes later, after I had already spent time checking the car in, Wife shows up and said "I just stayed in the traffic and came on the frontage.  Great, I thought.

    It was the exact same thing when we went to pick up the car at 4:00pm, traffic was still backed up on the freeway.  Just driving back home was a mess with just too many people moving around.  We ended up going to do a little xmas shopping and some stores like Gamestop and Bath and Bodyworks actually had people lined up outside their stores because in Covid-19 times, stores have to stay within some capacity restrictions.  We went to a couple of stores, including World Market and Academy, but it just seemed unnecessarily stressful knowing we can get most good online.  So far this year, we have yet to buy a gift at the mall.  I can't think of a store that I miss going to, I mean Ben Bridge is gone and so are the few Rolex watches I could go and gawk at, so there isn't much else.  Boy loved to get new clothes when he was younger, I guess he still does, but he doesn't really do that with us as he is with Sweetie 90% of the time when he is not at work.  Baby A doesn't really like clothes that way and he is just weird, like his mom, he doesn't like stuff, so he never wants to go buy anything.

    I was just glad to get back home. We did stop at Sam's and bought some meats to grill.  Now, with my pellet grill, I can make any meats as good as any restaurant, so I have no interest in eating out when I am going to get more meat at a cheaper price and quieter environment if we eat at home.

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