Thursday, December 31, 2020

12/31/20 Was 2020 All That Bad?

     On the surface, yes, it looks like 2020 was a shit show.  We were forced to isolate and change our way of life, a new virus was thrust upon us with the potential to wipe us out as it made its way across the entire world.  If that wasn't bad enough, we were then subjected to a summer of relentless movements in the big liberal cities on the heels of several high profile deaths of some sketchy people.  This all culminated in the most fiercely debated presidential race, which some of us aren't so sure the president has been chosen.

    In the spring, I was honestly scared, when Wife and the kids were sent home for a Spring Break that never ended.  I had a mini breakdown when they were announcing corona (they couldn't decide what to call it, now Covid-19) and it was mostly killing old people and fat fuckers.  I was sure it was just a matter of time, and my fear was "shit, it could kill both of us (Wife is a big girl too)", then what happens to Baby A, Boy was not even working, having been laid off in January.  After seeing the numbers and really focusing on what the virus was doing, I decided the best chance was to loose weight, so the first positive I felt from the pandemic and changing our way of life, was we all got on a diet.  It was pretty effective, I was hovering around 432 pounds, at my highest.  I lost about 75-80 pounds as I was hovering in the low 350s before the Christmas holidays.  I am probably up 10 pounds or so, but we will get back to our low carb diets after the holidays, so we are not worried.  Wife also managed to lose about 50-60 pounds doing the same diet.  I saw this as a positive directly caused by our reaction to the virus.

    I also think it was good to slow down, have the kids home and be a family.  We started making meals at home, watching movies together, being a part of each other's lives, and I thought that was another good effect from the pandemic.  We stopped eating most of our meals out in fast food restaurants because they were not available, plus if you're home, you want to stay home.  I liked the idea of buying an extra freezer, going to the store, stocking up and then living off what we have around the house.  For a long time, we just ventured out to work, to HEB, and back home.

    I guess the violence we started seeing also finally made me rethink who I was and I could not sit comfortably saying I sided with the democrats if they were on the side that was allowing all the rioting and mayhem we saw on the streets.  It seemed like it was going to get rougher here in Austin, which is a liberal bastion, but a liberal idiot waved his gun a little too close to a real Texan and the fucker got shot quick fast and in a hurry.  That seemed to calm the liberals here down a bit, sorry for the guy and his family, but I don't want to live in a city where I might get a gun pointed at me by some 24 year old that thinks he understands life better than me and proves his point by pointing a gun at me, fuck him.

    As bad as this year seemed to be, in the end, it might be alright.  Boy got a new job a couple months ago with a much better company that has been around a long time.  We lost weight and are still around, so Covid-19 hasn't killed us, yet.  We do have several vaccines out from different manufacturers now, so hopefully, we can get past this ugly chapter of our lives.  Trump may have had the election stolen from him, but I still hold up hope that something happens.  If not, we can sit back and be entertained by the shenanigans that are sure to ensue.

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