Saturday, December 12, 2020

12/12/20 Visiting My Folks For An Afternoon?

     Wife got the idea of us going along with her down to Crystal City on Thursday afternoon and suggested it to me while I was telling her I should be having a quiet quick night at work.  The work week for me usually sucks on Monday and gets progressively better towards the end of the week.  Stuff comes in during the end of the week and the weekend so there is usually a little pile of extra work most Mondays and our customers are kind of demanding in making most of the work "HOT", meaning they need their data within a day or two.  Regardless, by Thursday there wasn't much going on and I ended up working about 4-5 hours before getting done for the night.  I had gone in at 3:00pm, so I was on my way home around 7:00pm.  I asked Baby A if he was cool with going for the day, meaning he had no practice or obligations with school, other than logging in at 9:00am for his sports class and he said he was good with going.

    We got up at 4:30am and made the journey with Wife, I even acted like the man of the house and drove at least until we got to the gas station south of San Antonio.  We stopped to get gas, coffee and some breakfast tacos for us and Wife's coworkers.  I added some pan dulce so I wouldn't show up at my mom's empty handed.  Wife then drove the rest of the way so I could enjoy my tacos, she chose not to eat.  We are supposed to be dieting, but it is too close tot he holidays and we are kind of letting things like tortillas and the occasional sweet get past.

    It was nice to see my parents, we mostly sat at the dining table talking, we got there and drank another cup of coffee, ate the pan dulce.  My brother was there the whole day, the grandkids were there the whole day, my other brother is acting as private tutor for my middle brother's kid, so everyone was involved in keeping the kids on their learning paths.  This is where I don't think people like our family with a lot of support and belief in education are going to loose too much with the pandemic and the kids being home.  I have heard some households have just about given up and the kids are learning nothing, but it has to be hard if one is a single mother and there is no other family to help out.  My younger brother is now a certified teacher, my mom is a retired counselor, so right there, the grandkids have plenty of support.  My son has me as support, so he literally has a genius at his disposal, I kid, so he is in good hands.

    Anyways, the learning kept the kids distracted on their separate laptops in separate rooms, more or less, they kept gathering to goof around mostly because we were there, I guess.  It was a nice afternoon of hanging out with no agenda, just sitting there and catching up with our busy lives.  We got going right at 4:00pm, got Wife by 4:20pm or so and headed back to Austin.  It was very nice, but I was wore out, having only slept about 3 hours, so I slept for about an hour after we picked up Wife and got us to I-35.  Wife drove the rest of the way.

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