Saturday, December 19, 2020

12/18/20 Should He Go Or Should He Stay?

     Boy is still very new to his job, shoot, he still hasn't even started paying for his car, but already has mixed feelings about work.  I was unsure how to react to his latest news when he mentioned he had gotten a questionnaire and a phone call recently about a possible new job.  All I can say is I want him to be happy, and if he is going to take risks with his career, it is best to do so now when he is still living at home and doesn't have to worry about a mortgage, car bill, and everything else that keeps us mere mortals tied to our life sucking jobs.

    My concern is he putting his great opportunity of a job at risk entertaining other job prospects when he should be absorbed in his given job path and really feeling "blessed" for what he has.  There are tells when someone is looking for reasons to hate what they have.  All of a sudden he was telling us how nobody around him seems happy, how he has already explored the whole campus and he doesn't really see himself growing and being happy assembling for the biggest equipment manufacturer for the highest paying job sector in the world.  Boy has been obsessed with putting things together and tinkering with anything metal and shiny.  If he wasn't an engineer I am sure he would have become a mechanic because it is what he seems to do.  I was so happy for him because his job is literally putting together and working on the next generation tools for his industry.  What better prospects than that and when he started he said he is in the one department that has never been affected by lay-offs, this is a group that is just left alone, they are that important to the company.

    But, he does have a right to explore his options.  I don't want him to feel like he is serving a prison sentence and he is stuck doing what he is doing.  Hell, I wish I had the balls to look for other jobs.  I might really take my ass down to the coast and start over, I hate what Austin seems to be turning into with all the people moving in and the homeless population just slowly creeping and growing.  So, I told him (and Wife agreed) look into this other opportunity, if it goes further know and accept the risks and rewards here.  You might find what you are looking for and find an even better fit, but you might also loose the great thing you have right now.  You are a grown up now and ultimately you will make the decisions because you have to live with them.  If it doesn't work out, don't lash out and blame your current company if you end up spending another year unemployed at home.  This company has taken a chance and hired you before you have finished your degree, they are willing to help pay for the remaining classes and have already told you there is a raise and new title waiting for you when you receive your degree, and that sounds like a company trying to do good for you.  Still, we all believe the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

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