Monday, November 30, 2020

11/30/20 Celebrating Six Years Writing My Blog?

     I started writing this in November of 2014 during the Thanksgiving break.  I didn't really think I would go on this long, but I find that I enjoy writing down my thoughts, even if my boys do not hang on to my every word as I envisioned this would be for, I still enjoy writing it as a personal tracker of our goings on and what not.  The website keeps track and this is the 2,198 blog, so I have written quite a few words over the years.  There are slightly more than 365x6 because the first year I was kind of gun-ho and would put out a few sometimes in a day, every time I got a bug up my butt about something or other.

    I have modified my writing because it is hard to do on the days that I work, honestly, not much happens when I just sleep and get up to work.  I have found it is easier to write 3-4 at a time, and specially on the weekends when we do anything, that really means leaving the house, I chronicle our days out.  If, on rare occasions, something interesting does happen during the week, I can sit down and make a story of it, but at least this way, I can just take it easy during my work week.  I am really lucky that my work weeks are three days one week and four days the next, alternating, for over 25 years now.  I am scheduled to start working four days a week every week, but on a ten hour shift, whenever the paperwork goes through, they finally decided to make me an exempt, so I will be paid a salary, not an hourly wage, but I argued with them to match me up to the dollar on what I made the last year, so it should all be good.

    As far as going forward, I am positive about our prospects, Boy is working a good job and will start to contribute, at least paying his vehicle, gas, and some old credit debts we had agreed upon and Sweetie will also kick in some bucks, so I think things are only getting better here at Casa Gallegos.  Baby A continues to grow into the man he is becoming, a little angry that he is not taller already, but actually stretched a good inch and change from the summer.  I am tracking him on the wall because he is obsessed with himself.  Wife keeps applying and even interviewing for greater opportunities, so if not for Covid, I believe she would have already been on her way.  Things should be improving here in 2021, I am sure the virus will be slain by big pharma, it's what they do.  Hate on them all you want, when things get scary fighting invisible monsters, they are the real heroes.  Fuck a cape, real heroes wear lab coats.

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