Wednesday, November 4, 2020

11/5/20 This Is Why I Historically Don't Vote?

     It is very hard to invest yourself completely in something you don't have much of a chance of affecting.  Wife asked me recently why I didn't stick with football in high school.  I don't think I have ever answered it out loud but honestly, I like being someone that matters and gets the attention of the room or crowd.  Staying in football meant I was just going to be seen as a fat lineman who did the grunt work for others to get the spotlight.  As I like to say, Fuck That!  I am the star in my own life, not some skinny fucker who can run fast.  So I stuck with band, not as glamorous, but I was always considered one of the best members of the band and got plenty of attention for it.

    Fast forward to adulthood, voting is kind of the same thing.  We pave the way for some glorified old white man (and Barack, I guess) to be our leader and be the man.  Repeat every four years.  If done right, we get some special favors, choosing conservative is supposed to keep a few extra nickels in our pocket and they promise to strengthen security and keep us safe.  Voting for the left means we get to run a little freer from the rules and we'll try to make things more equal by taking from the haves and giving it to the have nots.  This sounds fair to more or less 50% on both sides and we "play ball."

    I haven't cared too much either way.  A tax break from the right would maybe save me a little bit of money, Trump did re-do the tax codes back when he started.  Obama tried to increase healthcare for all, which initially I was excited about until I realized I was on the side of helping to pay for these "have nots" to be covered and I now pay twice what I used to ten years ago.  This seems to be the game they play and we act as spectators and participants to their shenanigans.

    I only got involved because the idea of socialism taking root if the democrats are allowed to control seems a scary thought to those of us that care.  The idea has been tried in many countries and all those countries end up ruined, yet it is supposed to work here?  I fear not for me, but in twenty years this country might look very different for my grandkids.  Maybe we shift and some civil war breaks out, scary indeed, but ultimately, I am team Texas, if we separate, we will be ok.  We have a coastline, we are large, we have oil, land for farming, and we can stand on our own.  The west coast can all turn into a country of Chaz, it'll be hilarious to see the most beautiful part of our great country turned into one big smelly turd, thanks to a philosophy of "ask not what I can do for my country, but what my country can do for me."

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