Sunday, November 8, 2020

11/9/20 Busy Saturday Morning? (part 2 of 4)

     After our unpleasant test, I decided to go check out Austin Canoe and Kayak (we went to get tested as a precaution, but by this time one of Baby A's friends that had been the most whiny said he went to get tested and came back negative, so I think we are negative as well, considering we never really felt sick), but when we got there we found out they didn't open until 10:00am.  We had gone to do the testing at 9:00am, per our scheduled time.  This is when Baby A, per his scheduled time, started whining about being hungry.  We were way up north, on Burnet past 183.  We don't know the area at all.  It took a minute of driving to realize we were on the outside border of The Domain, we usually go there by MoPac, so this was a totally strange look to it, not that it matters too much.  The only reason I added that is because Burnet road is kind of an old shit hole, a bunch of nothing stores and abandoned lots, but then there are glimpses of nice places here and there.  I think The Domain is supposed to make the area nicer, but of course, as the best of plans go, either Covid-19 or the insistence of the reality of the economic power of the area, it is just a mixed mess.

    I was looking for a Mexican restaurant, not because I am brown and I love freaking beans, but because we are supposed to be eating low carb and an IHOP is the opposite of that.  We found a beautiful looking Mexican restaurant (Dos Salsas in a brand new building that was set up with parking underneath and the restaurant up on the second floor).  I wasn't even sure if we could just walk in or if we needed a reservation it looked so fancy, or maybe it has just been awhile since we ate out.  Of course the parking cannot be easy.  I pulled into the side of the restaurant, which is kind of on the same block as a Hilton or whatever nice hotel.  I pulled into the closest parking area that made sense to me, considering it was right next to the entry off of Burnet Rd. but once we got off and we walked towards the restaurant, I noticed the "We Love to tow away your shit because we need this parking lot empty" signs at a few different points surrounding the parking lot.  This is when I cussed up a storm, Wife and son kept walking towards the place and I moved the car and realized this whole building had underneath parking and the food was served upstairs.

    As Mexican places go, this was very foo-foo as my Dad would say.  We were sat quickly, there were maybe 5 other groups sitting spread out like I love.  The place is quite big, I would say 150-200 people could be seated at the same time.  It was 9:30am, so the crowd was small.  We did not get menus, instead we had to scan a thing on the table and the menu popped up on our phones.  I had the brisket omelette, which did come with a side of beans and potato squares.  The plate also came with 3 tortillas, which I got corn and only ate 1.  The food was good, I wouldn't say great, I am not even sure it was brisket, I've been making one about every weekend since my birthday and this just seemed like thin steak to me, it didn't even fall apart.  It was still a fine meal and Wife and Baby A were in good spirits chatting away about nothing in particular.  It felt so normal and nice to sit in a restaurant and eat.  The fact that we paid like $48 for "eggs and a little meat" was a little shocking.  Give me a $30 brisket and some time at home and I will feed you way an abundance of meat not meat shavings, but I am not running a business.

    On to the toy stores....

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