Saturday, November 28, 2020

11/28/20 Thanksgiving 2020 Was Different?

     There were a few differences this year when it came to enjoying Thanksgiving, the day.  First off, we have been having my in-laws coming over for Thanksgiving in different variations.  Sometimes they have spent the night, because my father in law likes starting to cook the turkeys at like 5:00am and sometimes they have cooked the turkey at home and just brought over a slow cooker full of bird, but either way, Covid-19 as it ruins most things it gets near to, managed to ruin the energy of Thanksgiving.  Nationally, we were urged to practice caution and not gather as families as we have had many outbreaks of the virus any time large groups gather, unless you are rioting in the streets, then the virus gives you a pass and so does the media.

    I kid, but not really, so it did not surprise us this year when they said they were going to play it safe and stay home.  This meant we were going to be on our own, not that I was worried, Wife can more than take care of a meal and if nothing else, we could go out and look for some Chinese food, as the boys said multiple times.  The one thing I did not totally agree with was that my in-laws wanted to play it safe and not come over, but they also wanted to prepare us a tray of stuffing and then the sisters made us a variety of desserts, including a banana cream cake, half cherry/ half apple cheesecake, and another pecan cheesecake.  This was very nice of them, but the story was that they would put these on a table outside and we would just pick up and go, but no, we ended up visiting with them and even sitting and eating tamales.  We were there so long, I took a nap on the sofa while Wife rambled on and on and on.... I don't mind visiting them, honestly, but this was not what I was told was the plan, but anyways....

    We had bought two twelve pound turkeys and a good sized ham for essentially us four, Sweetie and DD.  In the past we have had friends drop by at the last minute, so we make more food than necessary, but it was just us this time.  I got brave and decided to smoke one of the turkeys figuring if I ruined it, we would have the other one there, but that turkey in my pellet grill might have been the most flavorful turkey I have ever tasted.  All we did was smother it in mustard and pour way too much Salt Lick spices on it.  It had a little burn to it, but all the boys complimented the turkey saying it was really good.  Wife of course did her usual best with everything else, including the mashed potatoes from a "just add water" box.  Boy was going on and on about them being inferior potatoes, but it's not like he got his hands dirty.  He did make a really moist cheesecake with pumpkin filling in the middle of two cheesecake layers which was really moist and delicious, so I can't be mad at him, he contributed.

    All in all, everything was delicious, we ate a minute or two later than we planned, but that is all part of the fun.  With family, you improvise and adapt to fit everyone in as best as possible.  We are fortunate that we can slow down and enjoy a meal like this not for sustenance, but to eat with our loved ones.  Happy Thanksgiving to all, now let the Christmas shopping commence.

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