Tuesday, November 10, 2020

11/10/20 Busy Saturday Morning? (part 3 of 4)

     After leaving the restaurant, we finally went to where I had been wanting to go since earlier in the week.  I was going to go Friday afternoon but then Wife said she wanted to go with me.  I said great, I want her to be part of this, but usually she just rolls her eyes and acts like a big stump of "NO" so I was trying to circumnavigate her "NO" tendencies and just go alone.  Honestly, I usually talk myself out of stupid shit, but everyone still fears that I will be stupid and reckless, so she probably wanted to go "babysit" my decision making abilities.  We actually got into it at night, when I wanted to show her online what I wanted to get, she could not or would not support me in my endeavors to get a $5000 kayak, so I did what was most prudent and I withheld sex as punishment.  That's right, men can say no too.

    I woke up feeling much better, and a night of lying next to this hunk of a man and not getting any made her come to her senses too, it worked.  She was going on and on about what a great dad and man I was, I am so good to everybody around us and so thoughtful and supportive that dammit dare she say it "I was wrong."  (No, women never admit they are wrong.)  Either way, here we were, in an empty Valhalla.  It was the same as the last time we went to look at jetskis, because of Covid-19, production has been erratic and they just don't have the product they normally carry.  I came to this store a couple years ago and there were a good 50 kayaks displayed all over the place, and the Hobie product was everywhere.  This time, they had maybe 10 kayaks, 3 were Hobies, but they were 2 person style and made for speed (vary narrow) not for fishing (which tend to be wider and have more accessories and storage compartments.  Perception, a close competitor to Hobie did have a couple of boats displayed and at half the price, about $1200-$1800, got Wife to quickly say get two of those to see if you even like doing it.  There were also like 4-5 Riot Kayaks, all these have pedal drives, which means they can be moved in the water by moving the feet, leaving the hands free to fish, or if your legs get tired, you can use a paddle.

    I think the reality of seeing the prices on the kayaks and then not actually seeing the ones I really wanted, changed my mood.  I really do want to get on the water, going on kayaks would be an excellent platform to get exercise while out there, but settling for something less than I had built up in my head is not the way I like to do things.  We walked out, thankfully, the sales guys were distracted by a company rep showing them some inflatable product, so we weren't given the hard sell, we looked around for a good 30 minutes then I guess I decided I could do better.

The dream, Hobie Pro Angler 360 (around $5000)

Perception kayak (around $1800)
Riot kayak (around $1200)

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