Friday, November 20, 2020

11/20/20 Was The Red Pill Right For Me? (part 1 of 2)

     There is a phrase I have heard since I started my migration to the right this year, probably starting a year ago.  The notion of taking the red pill, much like Neo did in the Matrix and suddenly seeing everything as it is, not as I wish it was.  Concerning the political arena, this made sense to me, but it meant getting on a wild train lead by a very polarizing but charismatic leader in Donald Trump.  On the surface, he seems disrespectful, rude, short sighted, maybe slightly racist, and much like a person only interested in his self interests.  It took me the first two years of his administration, in which I was very much against him, to start seeing more clearly, but he is us.  I can be a little disrespectful and rude when bombarded with stupidity, man there isn't anything I like less than stupid lazy people.  I wouldn't say I am racist, but if put into a corner and told to choose between Selma Hayek, Beyonce, or Scarlett Johansen in their primes, I would choose the Hispanic 9 times out of 10.  I also think it is refreshing to have the leader of our great country think about the American people first, why should our troops be out protecting people in other countries who won't protect themselves?

    All this proud display of self assured confidence turns out to be a deterrent to about half of the population because as much as some people love what this man has done for us, about that many, or so the polls tell us, absolutely hate to see him pumping his fists and declaring he is the best at whatever action he is doing.  I kind of like his mannerisms and I'd like to think if I was in his position I would do the same.  Of course things are the best if I have had anything to do with them is basically how he phrases everything.  I guess the liberals and democrats out there would prefer he hide, look at his feet, and say ummm a lot, so he wouldn't offend with all his maleness.

    One of his biggest detractors has been the main stream media, which is historically considered the fourth arm of democracy.  Early in his tenure, Trump started dismissing the media because he insisted they spun everything to make him look bad or worse, the lie that he supported the neo-nazis after the Charlottesville incident has followed him most of his term and it is a lie the media will not correct.  The same is true about his stance on illegal immigrants where the media claims he called them animals when he was referring to MS-13 members doing evil things like bringing in drugs and trafficking children.

    I meant to talk about the election results and what is reality now, but I guess I got carried away...

To be continued.

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