Monday, November 16, 2020

11/16/20 Finding God Works For Some People?

     I am amazed at the transformation some people go on when injected with the idea of a higher power but I don't understand it.  I have now known a couple of people who "have found God" and basically become other people.  Although I personally don't believe in a higher power, I am happy for these people if it truly helps them leave a calmer and focused life.

    My coworker found God before I met him and I can't speak to how he was, but even to this day, some twenty years that we have worked together, he credits with finding God with helping him live a happier life, he goes on and on, I just get mired in the why, but I am not going to argue and try to get him out of his train of thought.  I can just say I am glad he found a way to cope and if he is truly content, then good for him.

    A friend of ours from back in our few years when we were partying good in the backyard, getting drunk and sitting in the hot tub until 4-5 in the morning has now found God.  This person was crazy, they would get black out drunk, not so much with us, but we saw pictures they would show us, and then we would see the kinds of idiots she dated, we never met them, thankfully, because they were the incarcerated type.  Now, she has disappeared into her own world, we haven't seen her in a good 5-6 years, only on the phone apps, but she is a brand new person.  She has two pretty little babies and they must be her world, I think she is trying to be a better person for them.  We have texted her a few times, but it is like talking to a priest or something.  She has even taken to talking about the good lord on her Snapchat account recently.  I want to crack wise, especially because I know she used to be a mess, but she seems at peace and like I say, she is all about her daughters, it doesn't seem like she is chasing thugs anymore, and for that, I am happy she found the Almighty.

    I guess this is the best I can do when I got up and saw her sermonizing her ass off from last night.  Like I say, I have my hesitations and non-belief and that does not change as I go through life.  I have seen a few other friends and family, who grew up being free thinkers and with age slowly turn to the bible and I don't get it.  To me, it is the same book it has always been, I don't focus on what it says, but on what gets ignored.  If it was such a great book and written by the inspiration of God, should it have instructions on how to treat slaves?  If so, then God approves slavery?  If he is infallible, someone fucked up not deleting those sections out.  But I am glad it helps some people, life can be a pain in the ass.

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