I have no shame, I am a die hard mall lover. I love walking around the mall even if we have no agenda to buy anything. When we go out of town like to Florida, I will hunt down the nicest mall in the area, I just like the idea of stuff being sold. Same when we went to Houston and Dallas a few years ago, we ended up in the Galleria malls at both cities.
Well, Covid-19 has changed that, maybe for now, maybe for life. We just don't want to leave the house that often. Consequently, I started looking online and seeing what Boy has been doing for years, shopping for his needs on Amazon. I like handling the things I buy with my hands, you can feel when something is quality and I feel sometimes the pictures might be misleading and you can end up with an inferior quality product when you get your "thing" shipped from a seller you never see. Still, life must go on and if we need something, better to give it a shot than go without, I feel.
I started slowly, I have ordered things for Boy in the last couple years, then for Baby A, like his latest pair of tennis shoes, which Grandma actually paid for, that was nice. Then I ordered a pair of motors to fix my pellet grill which has now been running almost daily since I fixed it (I have a back-up in case I need it), greatest gift the boys have gotten me, by far. Slowly, my purchases have been increasing and it just seems to get easier and easier, even when I notice not everything is available with just a click.
The biggest purchase so far and what made me a convert was getting a $400 dehumidifier to Boy. He now has a few smaller dehydrators in his room where he has his 3D printers and he uses them to keep the spools of filament from getting too humid, which can affect the build quality. When I found out about this, I set out to solve his problem in an elegant manner. I ordered a midsized dehumidifier which can be used to keep delicate equipment protected from atmospheric moisture. If he sets it up right, he should be able to store up to 21 spools or so. I counted and he has something like 50-60 spools in the room right now, if anything, he can round them up and keep them organized here.
This week, Baby A got me to order some Halloween costumes/pajamas for his boys. Done. Click click. Wife wanted some Nightmare Before Christmas ornaments. Click. I bought Boy two pair of shoes for his new job brown and black dress shoes with steel toes. All this is now super easy because I applied for the Amazon card and they gave me a healthy credit line, starting with the dehumidifier, I also got a nice 10% off on it, being my first purchase on the card.
I have now copied Boy all the way, as I made my first list of stuff I want. My first thing on the list is those giant novelty salt and pepper grinders, which now that I am grilling daily, seem appropriate. While I was at it, I added some dress shoes that reminded me of some cool shoes I had in college for when I wear pants, and then some exercise equipment. There is a lot of range in what they will deliver. I just need them to offer some jet skis and better choice kayaks.
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