Saturday, November 21, 2020

11/21/20 Was The Red Pill Right For Me? (part 2 of 2)

     I believe I made the right choice by switching over and supporting Trump after the debacle during the summer of watching so many people peacefully protesting their cities to burnt ruins.  As I was told, 93% of these protests were peaceful, but if there were over 10,600 (between May24 and August 22), that still leaves 742 protests that were more riots and looting events.  Now you tell me, is that a lot of mayhem or is that acceptable?  It was enough for me to say fuck off liberals, I am done.  I thought it was disgusting to see Dr. Fauci telling us to wear our masks and quarantine, shoot, schools shut down to control the spread, but when he was asked of the protests, he would not answer, but we should be extremely careful when going to the store to get milk, fucking idiot, and I thought he was a beacon of light.

    All that aside, I still find it hard to believe that Biden drew over 70 million votes when his rallies and I saw many on Youtube, seemed to have 20-30 people at most, while Trump was filling stadiums, and airports with what appeared to be thousands and even hundreds of thousands of people.  I mean Biden supporters weren't scared to "peacefully protest" all summer, don't tell me they were cautious and avoided gathering for his rallies.  

Who do you believe, the media seems to have mostly moved on with the notion that Biden won.  Trump is still, some three weeks later, still disputing the counts in key battleground states.  If the media didn't show so much animosity towards Trump most of his term, I would not distrust them so much, but they have repeatedly lied and made him look bad that I can't outright believe them, specially CNN who I had grown up believing was The News Source.  Still, it seems like an uphill climb to prove that there is so much cheating and scamming at this level that in dissecting the voting machines we find that votes go all over the world to be counted.  Is this true?  I don't know what the eventual outcome will be, it seems Biden, more likely, Kamala Harris will be the new president.  This will be interesting if not a little scary to think of what might happen to our taxes, to our borders, to our guns, and even to our vehicles.

    If these things were not being threatened, I wouldn't even care about the national stage, but these two liberal assholes have both said those who can should pay more in taxes, they apparently don't like borders and walls, so I guess come one, come all.  Biden is quoted as saying he is against AR type guns and high volume ammo weapons, like more than 3 shells in a shotgun is too many, and of course, they support the green new deal.  This is a push into more solar and wind technologies which is great and I have solar panels on my house, which cost me more than the stupid things produce, but maybe over time, but you can't cut current technologies which include fracking and not affect the average citizen either in job losses or cost of fuel.

    I guess I was enjoying the benefits of a Trump presidency, with gas hovering around $1.49 a gallon, no talks of wars, increasing talks of him brokering peace deals between different countries (in the middle east, if you can believe that), and even super low unemployment across the country.  We were actually in a great moment before Covid-19 came and shat all over the world.  Even then, to think that in a short nine months, 3-4 companies are pretty much ready to roll out vaccines is somewhat outstanding.  The Spanish flu, another H1N1 virus which came around 100 years ago, took its toll on the world for 3 years before it subsided and killed more than 50 million people.  Covid-19 has killed a lot of people, but 1.3million pales in comparison to what the Spanish flu did.

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