Wednesday, November 4, 2020

11/4/20 Feeling Like A Fat Cow?

     I decided I would take a break from dieting this weekend and just enjoy the Halloween candies and everything associated with it.  This seemed like a perfect weekend for the holiday, it being on a Saturday, Baby A playing his game on Thursday night and even winning, so we enjoyed it and got it out of our system by Friday to be able to focus on Halloween more thoroughly.  The weather was perfect, in the mid 70's during the day turning cooler into the evening, probably in the mid 50's by 11:00pm.  Mijo asked for a brisket to treat his friends and so I bought one on Thursday after I dropped him off at his school for the game (he has to be there a couple hours before game time at 4:30pm, then game starts at 7:30pm).  Everything was pretty much perfect, because he played on Thursday, Wife took Friday off and she was here for a 3 day weekend, which added to the weekend feeling like a real holiday.

    With Wife here, we went out to get supplies on Friday early, hitting Target for candies, which we did after we went and voted (Trump 2020!!).  We hadn't used the Target card in a few months, so we decided we would just load the cart and not worry about what we got.  We ended up with maybe 10 jumbo sized bags of candies (in other years we have gotten as many as 15 of these, but this is the year of Covid-19), and we were a little disappointed that barely any kids came by.  Still, we did what we felt we had to do.  Along with all the candies, we also got pumpkin flavored muffins, chocolate laced croissants, brownies topped with two inches of sweeter stuff on top, like chocolate drizzle and nuts, cupcakes, burgers, sausages, chips, regular sodas for the boys, and other stuff.

    I resisted for about two minutes when we got the stuff home.  Of the candies I saw in the bags,  I love Twix bars the most.  I found some of the half sized bars and tore into the bag.  The first one was divine, then the next 10 were just a blur.  While trying the different candies, I also split a muffin in half, ate a cupcake or two in one bite, and sampled everything else we bought within an hour of getting home.  It was so great and so much all at once.  Wife started filling baggies to give on Halloween night, I went upstairs to change into a house shirt, laid down, and slept my sugar rush away for about an hour or two.

    For the rest of the night, I felt lethargic, and bloated.  While being disciplined and eating one good meal a day, I have been very good, going potty once and not having much of any thought about my digestion the rest of the day.  After all the crap, I was gurgling and burping and popping like a coffee maker making a pot of coffee.  I did not enjoy any of it.  It felt great in my mouth, for a second or two, but I felt bad pretty much all weekend.  I am writing this Sunday morning and I am trying to be good, but I have already had another muffin with my coffee, so I am not done with all this bad stuff.  Wife said she would be taking the leftovers to her office Monday morning and I will glad to get it out of the house.  I can be disciplined if it is not in the house, but if it is in front of me, I will eat it.

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