Never say life is dull, shit will hit the fan. Last week, we allowed Baby A to have his friends over for a sort of Halloween gathering. All was well, he asked them if anybody had been sick and they all said no. The party was fine, he had 4-5 boys here and even a girl, which Wife had to go and meet the mom and get permission directly, to show she would be alright. These boys are harmless, they really haven't started "dating" yet, they are mostly content to play their video games and talk smack online to each other, which is great for us as parents.
Maybe Tuesday or Wednesday, two of the boys told our son that they feared they might have picked up Covid-19 here. It is hard talking to Baby A, he is kind of spazzy, he won't give direct answers, I'm not sure if it is that he is obtuse or just understands things on another level. The description of herding cats feels like when having a conversation with him. It is usually fun when we are goofing around, but when I want facts, I want them now without bullshit.
He said all his friends were complaining of a sore throat, one of them went and got Covid tested and came back negative. He then tells me he is fine and feels great and is ready to go to football practice, but he does have a sore throat. Then he lifted weights Wednesday and did some exercises where he was hopping up and down the stairs to work his legs. Of course, he has soreness all over his body and it could be that he is dying from Covid-19, maybe any minute (not joking, his words), or he could just be sore from the workout the previous day. His spirit is fine and he is joking around with me that he feels good enough to go to practice, but his coaches told him to stay home. It is a bye week, so the rest is probably good for him, he isn't missing a game.
Boy is not playing games, he told him to self quarantine and stay in his room. I feel like if he has it, I have it, we were around all those boys Saturday evening, so no point in me hiding from him. Wife, of course, the real adult here, scheduled Covid-19 testing for the three of us Saturday morning. I think we are fine, I didn't feel any different all week and still feel generally good. I started lifting weights last week and walking on the treadmill about 30 minutes a day and I don't feel any weaker or anything.
I hope it's just allergies, but for all of them to be complaining, it is either somatic symptom disorder or they do have something, but Covid-19 isn't the only disease they can get. The regular old influenza is still out there along with a cold, allergies, maybe food poisoning. I don't know but Wife and I feel fine.
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